Sunday, September 17, 2006

About yesterday and the bit of today that has been

Yesterday I managed to accomplish most of what I set out to do. This kicks whole bunches of ass.

I had to go to that stupid class in the morning for my tutoring job. It sucks that I am getting "certified" and then leaving, but I'd much rather leave than stay on, so... Anyways, it's an 8 week "class" but there are only three "in service" meaning "in attendance" meetings. They're on Saturdays, but only once a month. It shouldn't be too much of a cramp on my style. It's going to be really boring, though, and pointless, too. They fed us soggy sandwiches for lunch. I had half of one because I figured I would be hungry sooner or later. It was...ok, but didn't help my throat.

After that I worked on my computer class paper that is due (at the end of) this week (and surfed.) I had a hard time picking a topic, so I ended up just settling on video games, because at least I could stand it. This paper became one of those with the capacity to make me cry, so I had to compromise. It turned out awful and I hate it, but at least it's done. I think I formatted the notes wrong, but...I dunno. If he docks me for that, then...whatever. He'll probably hate the paper far more than the formatting mistakes.

Enough cheerfulness about that!

At 5 I slouched over to the Korean BBQ, which was actually totally awesome. The food was all homemade and delicious. I would've enjoyed it more if I didn't feel so crummy, but still tasty, etc. I sat with Nila and ran into Youa (from US Gov & Politics.) Ho hum. Anyhow, I waited that out until the KSA (Korean Student Association) made their welcomes and thank yous and come to our events' and then left.

Didn't really get any more done on my paper then because it was almost time for OUTER HEAVEN. Undoubtedly the high point of the day if there ever was one. Insane cartoons and the movie Top Secret! were streamed, made fun of, and then streamed again (but I was doing my homework again by then.) I actually got on the IRC channel. Lots and lots of fun. Still better with Scott, but this was decent in the meantime. AND THAT'S WHAT SCHOOL IS: THE MEANTIME.

If I could only just remember that during my every waking moment this semester, I think I'll be able to take it.

Then after the movie is when I flipped out and hated my paper and didn't want to finish it, but I did and I hate it, but it's done (like I side up there.) I was miserable, but Scott said to look at some goofy comics which cheered me up pretty well. (I think it was Ian who showed me them first, but at the time I think I was too impatient to really read them. This time my sole purpose was be entertained FOR MY SANITY, so it worked really well.) They will probably show up in my links soon.

We talked on the phone for a bit and then I went to bed. Seriously, that evening phone conversation works wonders. No matter how horrible the day was it's all erased and I go to sleep thinking about happy things. (Love love love.)

My alarm had been set for 9, but apparently I wasn't quite ready to be awake. When it went off I was pretty into the dream I was having which featured a DDR-like video game only with drums and clapping, sorta of similar to that DK bongo rhythm game, only...not DK in any way. I was doing this specific level and died once. Then right as my phone started vibrating and beeping I was doing SO WELL, but I woke up. Grr...

I had Cheerios and strawberries on the edge of decay with not enough milk for breakfast. The cereal was the saving grace. Now I'm putzing around when I should really be showering and doing homework. Looks like I will be doing Japanese at 1, US at 5, and Astro during the in-betweens.

I wish I had a calendar to cross days off on, because I bet I actually would. Cross days off till the weekend (and a Scott!), weeks off till the month ends, months off till this whole thing called MY LIFE SO FAR ends and school is over. Really, I'm being optimistic here. I don't have it OK'd yet for me to get out after this semester. If they shoot down my proposal to overload and graduate early, I will just cry, BUT I'M NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!

I'm thinking about getting crud done, maybe picking up my room a bit cuz it looks like a Propel junkie got loose in the pharmacy on the way to do laundry, but MOSTLY how in less than a week I'll be jammin' with my Scotty :D

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