Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Yeah, it would be helpful to be less negative all the time. Blogging about things I beat myself up about is just public humiliation! No one likes that! It will also improve the quality if I try to be more optimistic.


I read half the history chapter and did my math homework. I'm doing a fairly good job of keeping on top of my homework. Though I could just be working working working all the time, I do take breaks to get killed by zombies.

I kill them sometimes too ;p

Also, I'm quite proud of myself for getting to the gym. I did 20 minutes on a machine. That was enough for tonight. Listened to The Coral.

Had that iatrist appt. Going back on the Lexapro. Now that I think of it, maybe I should've never gotten off it, cuz it was after that that I went nuts my freshman year.

I don't really want to dwell on it though. This afternoon I fell apart again and now I'm feeling a bit better so we're going to go with that.

Tomorrow is Wednesday (halfway! short classes! Get ready for the chapter of Japanese that will kill us all!! ^_^) and I have a ride TO the bus stop for Friday (although it's cutting it kind of close and I don't have a ride back yet...will see about Ken. He is generally willing and a nice guy.)

The rest of the evening will be spent pleasantly showering, studying Japanese, and reading.

I wonder if I should start Militarized Streets over. That is sad because I am so near being done, but I really don't have a very good handle on what was happening. I was ahead today by having read it, and it wouldn't take too much to read it over...maybe I will. This is obviously a very important piece to my teacher, and he translated it. I feel like it will be important in the class and like I owe it to him to actually understand it. I'd also like to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way on Thursday. *sigh* Maybe I'll finish it first and see how I feel.

Other than that I have Yukio Mishima stuff. I'm going to hold off on the Education project until after the midterm.

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