Monday, February 27, 2006

It's only ten o'clock

and tonight refuses to end. I could do my math homework that isn't due until Thursday. I could read any multitude of things. I could play more games. There are many things I could do.

I'm kinda mad at myself right now about eating more.

The idea of going to the gym tomorrow is stressing me out.

The idea of many thing is stressing me out.

I'M GETTING STRESSED OUT and I'm not even...

gah forget it.


Thinking about other things...

yes, I will read some more. I have two hours till bed...there has to be something I can accomplish.

Tomorrow is the iatrist appt. Should be interesting. Also tomorrow is gumbo.

And long classes.

Annnnnd more work.

I read a lot during work today. Sadly I was horribly distractable and also very tired, so I'm not sure how much I really retained.

More depressing stuff though.

The story, I mean.

Thursday I'm going to go see The Mikado.

Friday I'm going to Frisco. There are only two weeks until break, but it seems silly to not go if I can and of COURSE I want to. I can't wait to see him. Reallllly can't wait. In fact, I feel bad cuz his dinner was getting cold while we discussed it quick. *shimmer happy falls over* Yeah, this week can just get ON with itself already...

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