Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here are a few moments during which it is not really worthwhile to attempt to accomplish anything...


I have to leave soon for my nutritionist appt so it seems rather silly to try to read the last chapter of Thirst For Love or finish the dungeon in FFII that I started before history class.

I had an absurdly early dinner today, which is odd because I had a pretty late lunch.


Because our Japanese teacher is generous with his bounty of Japanese snack food during movie days. (Today it was, I believe, talking heads on JLit.)

I'm not sure why I was starving at 4:30 though. I don't think green tea increases metabolism THAT much.

I'm suprisingly on top of my work load. All I have to do tonight REALLY is math homework, which as I've remarked before, takes a negligible amount of time.

Today I found out that the study abroad advisor people have a folder for me and that THEY rather than I should be collecting my materials. This is news.

I also found out that the evil class which has proved such a disruption to my schedule begins March 1st and meets next door in George Wilson whatchamajiggy.


I have to go! lol


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