Tuesday, February 07, 2006

shameless appreciation of my own somewhat delightfully turned phrase

"My roommate gave me some vitamin c drops, which I realize don't do anything, but they might offer some sort of placebo effect that I'm not quite prepared to discount."

I guess today I would rather acknowledge the fact that this is previously typed material than cut and paste guiltily. Sometimes, you just say it the way it deserves to be said the first time. Or at least, something that makes you happy enough.

I'm carrying on the oral tradition? Only...not?


*ten years go by*

apparently rather busy...

1 comment:

Xavier said...


when are you gonna come back to mke?

i just realized in my ling. class that people from milwaukee pronounce it, mI-wa-ki. My parents say mIl-wa-ki. and i thought that was interesting. grr..and my dental hygenist kept on saying Iner3sting without the first t. that's my biggest pet peeve, but i was trying to cope. go me!