Saturday, February 25, 2006


This morning awoke to find roommate departed (Taho) and sun shining. Had pb-banana wasa crackers and played some Zoomines before walking to Starbucks (had a bit of gift card left) for coffee and even decided to have a blueberry scone (which I almost regret because the ones at Java Aroma are TEN TIMES BETTER. I guess we learn...) later on. Took A Flock of Swirling Crows and Other Proletarian Writings along, read the first three stories. Random fellow asked if it was good. I certainly enjoy it. Pretty nifty cuz it's my prof who translated it. I think when I get back from Japan I will see if he would be willing to do a translation independent study class for me. Jump-start my whatever. Called Kacie on the way back to dorm, we'll swim at 2:30. Psyched! It's so nice outside. Warm and sunny. Even better than yesterday; just makes me want to play.

I'm in a really great mood. I think that week of misery must've paid off. That's generally how it goes with my moods. If I'm way up I know that I'll fall in a couple days and if I'm way down I know I'll shoot up later. Feelin' groovy today tho ne :D Gonna call the boy later and see how he's faring. Nice weather makes me wish I was there hiking up hills and playing alongside the five year olds on the swings. We had such a good walk last weekend.

It's amazing what a good mood can do for you. I still have TONS of things to do but it doesn't all seem so FRIGHTfully urgent now. I'll just do what I feel like, get it done, no problem.

Nooooo problemmm!! ^_~

Oh, the other thing I did was get caught up with the 1up Show. I had been treating it like I've been treating everything (literally) else in my life, a task on a list of things to get done because I SHOULD and NEED TO blah blah blah. What I really SHOULD do is quit making everything into a chore and let the fun stuff be fun!! So I had a great time watching this morning. Also a great time reading, and I'll have a great time swimming too because I WANT to do it and it's nice out. I'm not going just cuz I feel lazy (although there is that ;p)

Everything seems so easy when I'm feeling good. Although, there is this sort of horizonal fear that I really DO have too much to do etc etc and shouldn't be taking it so easy, but I think that is just habitual evil that can be dispensed with. I'll try to keep the happy mindset around longer.

Still even as I'm sitting here I find myself lapsing into that PLAN WHAT TO DO UNTIL SWIMMING mode where I feel like I have to give myself a schedule and get everything done and freak out and stuff. HELL. I think rather than think myself into a state of accomplishing nothing, I will go write my responses to some stories and continue reading ^_^

1 comment:

Bettina Sophie said...

Well, I stumbled onto your blog because I was looking for people who also had "The Happiness of the Katakuris" on their list of favorite movies, to be completely honest. So, I was just going through certain keywords slowly but surely because I was looking for interesting and friendly (hopefully) people to connect with. Needless to say, I'm happy that you're one of them. Yes, I also like Vanilla Ninja and I only know through visiting their website that they were at Eurovision... So far I only have their album "Traces of Sadness". But yeah, that's pretty much it...I think. Well, thank you for your comment! And here's to continued communication, I hope.