Sunday, February 12, 2006

Today I'm Really Distractable

For instance, I'm in the middle of a chapter of my book...actually, I'm probably almost done. Anyhow, I'm NOT finished yet, but still I think I'm going to take a break and go eat. It's a great book so far, totally love it.

I guess maybe I'm hungry.

There was something I was going to write about though. Hahaha. I guess I got distracted.


My dream last night!

I don't remember most of it, but the very end I do. For some reason I was leaving my dog in Kyushu and going somewhere and I had this feeling she was going to die. I was sobbing and then all of the sudden I was awake. It's really weird to go from being so sad to simply...awake. My eyes were kinda clenched though. So I woke up all tensed and then realized I wasn't actually crying and my dog wasn't actually dead.

Then later my mom called and said she really had to talk to me but I had to call her back. I was worried that maybe my dream was foreshadowing my dog's death. She's pretty old. Obviously, that's sort of a long shot, but it crossed my mind anyhow. In the end, it turned out that my mom had misdialed and thought she was talking to my sister. She didn't have anything to tell me.


Anyhow, I guess I just felt like relating that. I was overcome, in the middle of a chapter of a book that has nothing to do with any of that, by the urge to impart the tale.

I'ma go eat now ;p

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