Sunday, July 23, 2006

2 in 1 Harness Buddy

I saw one of these (a bear, I think) on the street the other day. It's a little kid backpack with a leash attached. I think the monkey makes the most sense since the tail is the leash. Puppies (and bears) don't really have tails like that.

You can also get the barnyard variety:

Actually, I don't think you can buy them from that site. For some reason that's just to tease... They have some here and here.

I was always a little creeped out by the child leash idea. Why can't you just hold their hands? Anyways, the harness buddies are much cuter and child friendly than this thing:

What's he looking at, anyways? I think they must have a giant ice cream cone just off camera ;D



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