Monday, May 01, 2006

The Mid-Afternoon-Should-Be-Studying Round Up

There is a banana on my desk that I would really like to eat, but it's for later, so I'm gonna try to hold out for another couple hours till dinner where it looked like there was gonna be some meaty pizza. Getting sausage on your pizza in the dining hall is so tricky! Gotta take advantage!

This past weekend I took my sniffles on a train trip to Frisco to visit the wonderful boy. It was a last minute switch. Originally the plan was for him to journey out this way, but circumstances being as they were (and generally just are,) it was more feasible for me to go there. Of course, it was no problem for me. I'd much rather see him than sit in my dorm all weekend.

In fact, the only real difficulty I had with the situation (aside from being sick and coughing a lot) was the bus system. NO THANKS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RTD, I somehow got to the Amtrak station. Getting back was even more torturous, as all the friends I would've hoped could've bailed me out of a lousy neighborhood were busy when I arrived. I stood for about 20 minutes or so on the corner and watched the locals loiter on the sidewalk, in the middle of the street, etc, but when it started to get dark(er) I headed downtown. Spent a while on the phone with various people trying to get directions home, and by the time I got anywhere (the downtown City Center) I was pretty hungry. Grilled salmon, steamed broccoli and asparagus, and brown rice will make anyone feel better, I think, unless maybe you are allergic. By that time I was able to get a ride, although not without disturbing a busy dorm-mate : / She didn't seem to think it was a very good idea for me to be wandering about in the dark, and I have to agree with her.

Anyhow, the travel time was boring for the most part. Being with the boy was great though. We had a picnic at the office and played The Outfit. I did nazilicious things with guns and tanks. It was probably one of the best picnics ever. We had this tasty salami sandwich on the way in a park with all sorts of happy ingredients like pickles, which are one of those things I am newly able to appreciate (although I'm still not a fan when they are warm, like in a burger or something...) Then we had potato salad and cheese tortellini salad as well as a bottle each of Moxie and crazy Strawberry Crush. And funny candy! It was ultimate. And there was a couch! (at the office the demo room.)

Leaving is always sad, but the amazing thing is that the next time I go, it will probably be to stay. I mean, unless we get really impatient and I drop by in a couple weeks.

Been getting back into some of my other DS games lately, which is fun. Blogging about that at 1Up. Still sick. Got an A on my Jlit paper. Had my Japanese oral exam today. Basically just chatting for a bit. I'm a very shy speaker, though. Comprehension is decent, reading is pretty good, writing is pretty good (all for my level of course) but my speaking is...sort of non-existent. That's why I'm going to Japan, ne?

I managed to easily waste the majority of this afternoon. I printed out a couple papers, but that was pretty much it. Gotta work on math, read some Jlit, and most importantly *threatening music bite* FIGURE OUT WHAT I'M SAYING IN MY PRESENTATION TOMORROW x_x

x_x is right. That is my evening in a nutshell.

Not looking forward to it at all.

Not one bit.


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