Tuesday, May 09, 2006

An Uncharismatic Vent

Or at least any charisma there IS will be entirely on accident. I'm not aiming to please. I'm aiming to void my mind.

Soooo. I've come to the realization that I truly do not want to study for my exams. So much preparation! And then, the exams themselves! Hours of essays! Bleh! Tomorrow is Japanese, Monday is math, Tuesday is Lit and History. Then I am free!


So the boy called today from LA but I MISSED IT X_X Yesterday his phone was THE BUST so we couldn't talk and just had to content ourselves with chatting online. I'm afraid I complained RATHER a bit. I'm feeling frustrated. I'm sort of mad at myself, though, because I had been planning on just listening to how he was doing more because I know he's stressed out too.


Anyhow I hope he calls back, or is free when I try to call or something. It'd be so nice to talk today :D

What else...I have to walk to the cardiologist tomorrow and I really don't know how long it will take. Much less how long the appt will take, much less whether I will have time to do all that and be back in time for my Japanese test which I am totally being a pain in the neck about by taking it early (on a day when there is supposed to be no school >_<) I wish I could get a ride, but I dunno who to ask.

People stress me out sometimes. Sometimes the things they say are really bizarre and you wonder why they are talking about you in the first place.

Secondly, it is funny the way people's opinions of one differ so greatly. For example, I gave a speech: some said volume was good, others said to speak up; some said eye contact was great, others said i read too much. Some people say short hair suits me better but then five minutes later I have people telling me long hair suits me better.


What else?

I dunno. I'm sick of feeling sick. I think the dining hall is maybe getting to me. Mostly though, it's these pills. My doctor said to just stick it out till I leave for Tokyo. What can I say to that other than, "ok?"

Ah, maybe more later. I'm being coerced into watching some weird youtube movie...

OH speaking of which. I started Densha Otoko today. I had no idea it was going to be so great!!! Awesome. I'm psyched.

And my sister liked the UV bracelet I got her *score*


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