Saturday, May 06, 2006

Kanji Torment

Among other things. I'll post something cheerful later, but right now, I want to just cry a little bit about how I feel like I will never get this stuff down. I mean, really, how long does it take? What WORKS? How do I remember? HOW? Because though 就職came only a chapter or two ago, it was looking awfully foreign for a bit.

Doesn't really help that our prof is putting kanji on the exam that we didn't actually learn. AS IF WE DIDN'T LEARN A LOT.



It's ok. There are only a couple, and they are useful, so might as well try to memorize them.


I don't even have the ones down that I was supposed to for this year. I really need some...divine kanji inspiration.

Or maybe I just don't study hard enough. People THINK I study an awful lot, but I really don't. I should work more on kanji, but I'm not sure what to DO.

Just writing them over and over helps, but only to a point. I'm not really one to make up silly stories, or whatever. That just seems like more to remember.

Hopefully in Japan my classes will be different. Maybe I'll learn some new strategies. Until then, I'll just work hard this summer reviewing and trying to learn new words to go with the kanji I know. That is also very frustrating, finding kanji that you "know" but don't know THAT particular reading. It's almost more a vocab issue than a kanji issue. Sometimes I'd rather treat it like that, but maybe the systematic kanji background is useful as well...


Anyways...less rambling, more studying?

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