Thursday, May 11, 2006

So close to the end!!!

Today Flipper helped me move to Frisco XD Most of my stuff from my dorm is now here in Scott's apt (exploded all over the other room...I dunno where we're going to put it all...). I forgot my pillow, though, which makes me sad. I'll have it in a couple days either way...

Unfortunately, the dishes are still playing Spore in the sink. I think they're almost up to the civilization level... o_o I went shopping and tried to buy things that don't require cooking. I'm going to get some almond butter somewhere and I managed to find blueberry jam sweetened with grape juice and not sugar :D I got hummus, guacamole, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, and a bunch of fruit. For dinner I'm having lean cuisine lemon pepper fish and broccoli with cheddar cheese. This is a CHOICE that I made. We'll see how it turns out. See, lately I remembered how we used to have fish sticks and mac 'n cheese for dinner when I was a little kid and I've been missing that. This is ALMOST the same...right? Probably we'll end up doing it for real later, but Flipper and I had pizza for lunch and I had pancakes 'n stuff for breakfast, so I'm sorta feeling like something healthy. Plain yogurt and strawberries IS SO TASTY O_O

It was a total pain getting all my stuff up here. We had to park three or four blocks away and walk UPhill. Yuck. I need a shower >_< After that, though, I need to review some history. I played Metal Gear Solid for a while this afternoon as a break, but I really do need to get down to some business.

(Bleh, I should've bought some aloe. I have a cute little sun rash on my arm v_v)

Tomorrow I need to study and I also want to maybe apply for some jobs. I'm supposed to have a resume, though...

(More bleh...)

Well, looks like my food is nearly cooked, so I'm off to take it out of the oven...

OH, and I heard from Scott today. He lives! :D

1 comment:

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