I haven't either, yet. She seems interesting though.
This morning I had two job interviews at two different cafes. One of them, crazily enough was Cup~A~Joe (as I learned is the correct typage.) Yeah, I changed my mind, and apparently they will call me if I fit in their schedule. They are actually willing to train and don't seem to care that I'm not quite 21, contrary to Ashley's advice the other day.
Had more zucchini bread at The Chameleon this morning, as well as a free Americano. The interview there went better, but seems like the process may be more complicated. Either one of those would be fine.
I told this other place I would "try to stop by" today, but I'm not really feeling like walking the 2 miles out there right now just to say hi, esp when I've got these other interesting prospects. We'll see how things pan out.
I need to do laundry and pack.
Or maybe just pack. I can probably get away with just taking clothes home.
I think I'll do laundry later.
So that leaves this whole afternoon.
I managed to get myself out of everything I was supposed to do and now I will be bored, but at least I won't have to go anywhere.
Salami and cheddar on grain bread = teh yum.
Here's something else:
Last night I went to this meeting to hook up with other foreign language learners and it was SUPER fun. We played Taboo, made answering machine messages, ate food (that...I brought. It was SUPPOSED to be a potluck!!), and just generally hung out. There was a Japanese girl named Kayo there. Hopefully we will hang out next week. At first I was late (meeting Randy etc) but once I got settled in it was really great. I will definitely go back again :D
Speaking of which...maybe I should study a bit :D
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Our new furniture and the accomplishments of the day
Yesterday Scott and I picked up the furniture that I found for us on craigslist. We didn't take the foldy futon couchy thing because it was heavy and Scott seems to remember owning that exact dealio and said it wasn't so comfy anyhow. We did however snag: a microwave, a kitchen islandy table, two stools, a butterfly chair, and a office chair. All of it needs to be cleaned up and is still just occupying space (and being a bit filty) in the middle of the living kitchen (room.)
The living kitchen! Watch out or it will eat youuuuuu!!!! O_O GWAR!
Today I finished Count Zero and read some more of Recentering Globalization, a book about Japan's cultural exports to South and East asia (e.g. tv programs, pop idiols.) I also ground (?) a whole bunch on FFII to get Emile over 7,000 HP. Scott borrowed Dawn of Sorrow from a co-worker, so he's been doing that. He's really psyched about some plans he has to redesign his webiste. I think it sounds great, but I'm not really sure what most of the stuff he talks about is. I wish I knew more about computers : / I don't want to be annoying or anything, though. "Teach me! Teach me!" ;p
I also cleaned the bathroom. Most of it anyhow. I think I did an ok job. It is much tidier than it was. The rest of the apt is still a crash site, but it IS OUR crash site, so I guess that's fine. Was sort of hoping to get things shaped up by the end of the weekend. Also hoping to have a bbq or picnic tomorrow. Dunno if that will pan out or not. Might just have some more of this AMAZING MAC 'N CHEESE CONCOCTION!!!
mac 'n cheese
peas (the frozen kind)
beef (ground and browned --hee hee a rhyme)
GLORIOUS MIXING = eternal happy
or something like that.
Spumoni for dessert. Life is good.
Oh, and there was a new Dr. Who :D Crazy TV monster and poor father figure. Woot!
The living kitchen! Watch out or it will eat youuuuuu!!!! O_O GWAR!
Today I finished Count Zero and read some more of Recentering Globalization, a book about Japan's cultural exports to South and East asia (e.g. tv programs, pop idiols.) I also ground (?) a whole bunch on FFII to get Emile over 7,000 HP. Scott borrowed Dawn of Sorrow from a co-worker, so he's been doing that. He's really psyched about some plans he has to redesign his webiste. I think it sounds great, but I'm not really sure what most of the stuff he talks about is. I wish I knew more about computers : / I don't want to be annoying or anything, though. "Teach me! Teach me!" ;p
I also cleaned the bathroom. Most of it anyhow. I think I did an ok job. It is much tidier than it was. The rest of the apt is still a crash site, but it IS OUR crash site, so I guess that's fine. Was sort of hoping to get things shaped up by the end of the weekend. Also hoping to have a bbq or picnic tomorrow. Dunno if that will pan out or not. Might just have some more of this AMAZING MAC 'N CHEESE CONCOCTION!!!
mac 'n cheese
peas (the frozen kind)
beef (ground and browned --hee hee a rhyme)
GLORIOUS MIXING = eternal happy
or something like that.
Spumoni for dessert. Life is good.
Oh, and there was a new Dr. Who :D Crazy TV monster and poor father figure. Woot!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The rest of yesterday
Scott was a very busy fellow, so we couldnt' have lunch. It was ok, though, because Randy and I met up for sushi. I haven't had good sushi in AGES, and this was REALLY good. A little place in Japantown. Then he showed me his apt while we looked for directions to this on-the-spot job interview I wanted to go to in North Beach. His place is really nice. He's got a very good couch and he built his computer recently. It's massive o_o Anyways, then we rode the bus part of the way to the job place and walked through some of China town etc.
Gelato. They are opening on June 9th. Unfortunately they are rather keen on someone who can work weekends until 12 or 1 in the morning. That person is decidedly not me. Ah well.
So then Randy and I walked and walked and walked. We stopped at Barnes and Noble and then wandered all the way downtown through the financial district to where Scott works. I was going to call him up and see how he was doing and if he had time for some food (he hadn't eaten all day : /) and to meet Randy, but then magically he walked out the door. I didn't mean to spring on him like that, but there he was. So we all wandered down to the Metreon for a bit before Scott and I ditched. I felt sorta bad leaving Randy hanging there, but Scott was really wiped out and I didn't want to drag him around. Plus Randy and I had been hanging out literally all day, so it seemed ok to jam out...
Then we ate sandwiches and played video games.
The end!
I get sleepy too fast : /
Gelato. They are opening on June 9th. Unfortunately they are rather keen on someone who can work weekends until 12 or 1 in the morning. That person is decidedly not me. Ah well.
So then Randy and I walked and walked and walked. We stopped at Barnes and Noble and then wandered all the way downtown through the financial district to where Scott works. I was going to call him up and see how he was doing and if he had time for some food (he hadn't eaten all day : /) and to meet Randy, but then magically he walked out the door. I didn't mean to spring on him like that, but there he was. So we all wandered down to the Metreon for a bit before Scott and I ditched. I felt sorta bad leaving Randy hanging there, but Scott was really wiped out and I didn't want to drag him around. Plus Randy and I had been hanging out literally all day, so it seemed ok to jam out...
Then we ate sandwiches and played video games.
The end!
I get sleepy too fast : /
Friday, May 26, 2006
A wonderful morning at Cup-A-Joe
So I was meeting up with Randy today for the first time. He seems cool; very talkative and very into video games. That was cool but what was EVEN BETTER was that LUKE was there (as I learned his name was.) He was so happy to see me, too. "Il est la aujourd'hui!" It's cute even though he thinks I'm a boy... When they gave him his hot chocolate in his bottle he took a sip and it was too hot "C'est chaud!!" which I understand, but the girls at the counter weren't sure what he was saying until his mom translated ^_^ Turns out they are flying back to France today : / His mom took a pic of us together which she said she will e-mail me :D Also gave me her address and stuff so if I'm ever in Paris (XD) again I can look them up. Yesterday was Luke's 4th birthday. I also learned that he CAN understand and speak English, but is just stubborn (as kids can be.) He tried to show me his penis (which little boys love to do, in my experience at least...they like to prove their manhood.) XD Awww how fun. It'd be really cool if they needed a babysitter some summer or something. I really hope we will be able to keep in touch. What a lucky kid! Growing up bilingual. I'm very envious...
Sooooo altogether a very good morning. I felt a bit guilty because I had to leave Scott a note and ditch while he was in the shower so I wouldn't be late. Hopefully we will meet up for lunch, though. Randy seems pretty keen on meeting him. I'm sure we could have fun all playing video games together. His other friend in the area is a game programmer :D
Yay! ^_^
So I was meeting up with Randy today for the first time. He seems cool; very talkative and very into video games. That was cool but what was EVEN BETTER was that LUKE was there (as I learned his name was.) He was so happy to see me, too. "Il est la aujourd'hui!" It's cute even though he thinks I'm a boy... When they gave him his hot chocolate in his bottle he took a sip and it was too hot "C'est chaud!!" which I understand, but the girls at the counter weren't sure what he was saying until his mom translated ^_^ Turns out they are flying back to France today : / His mom took a pic of us together which she said she will e-mail me :D Also gave me her address and stuff so if I'm ever in Paris (XD) again I can look them up. Yesterday was Luke's 4th birthday. I also learned that he CAN understand and speak English, but is just stubborn (as kids can be.) He tried to show me his penis (which little boys love to do, in my experience at least...they like to prove their manhood.) XD Awww how fun. It'd be really cool if they needed a babysitter some summer or something. I really hope we will be able to keep in touch. What a lucky kid! Growing up bilingual. I'm very envious...
Sooooo altogether a very good morning. I felt a bit guilty because I had to leave Scott a note and ditch while he was in the shower so I wouldn't be late. Hopefully we will meet up for lunch, though. Randy seems pretty keen on meeting him. I'm sure we could have fun all playing video games together. His other friend in the area is a game programmer :D
Yay! ^_^
Yay plans!
I made some friends on Craigslist. Today I am meeting a nice guy (who I have made certain is looking for friends only -- he is very aware of the boy's existance) for coffee and next week I will be meeting a girl who works at a theater for a walk. Hopefully we can get along :D
I spent a lot of time on that site yesterday afternoon, actually. I found very cheap furniture! It's definitely used, but I think it will do the job. The best part is that it's only about two and a half blocks away so we won't have to carry it TOO far (although I'm sure it will still FEEL too far : /)
I spent a lot of time on that site yesterday afternoon, actually. I found very cheap furniture! It's definitely used, but I think it will do the job. The best part is that it's only about two and a half blocks away so we won't have to carry it TOO far (although I'm sure it will still FEEL too far : /)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Off on the wrong foot
Today isn't going so well. My clothes don't feel right. I went to the coffee place and had a blueberry bran muffin (which would've been fine except I was overlooking the fact that I had grapenuts for breakfast and I had sort of intended on something a little sweeter...) and decaf splashed with vanilla soy milk (which they gave me too much of because I failed to specify what size...only 30 cents more for a medium, but still...)
I'm sort of at a loss. I kind of want to wander down to Japantown later. I could do lunch there, but I think I would feel guilty. I shouldn't be eating out so much.
Last night the boy and I had egg and bean tacos. Not half bad, unless one is concerned about cholesterol...
What the hell?
This morning I did some myspace crap, read some Count Zero. I'm doing better on that than Neuromancer. I dunno if it's cuz I like it better or cuz I'm just reading better, but I'm...better.
Maybe I will go have lunch in Japantown. It won't be quite as lonely. I wonder if there is a way to meet more people around here. If I had some more friends I could do stuff :D Maybe that's a project...I dunno how you meet people. Hopefully today I will find out more about that job; if not, I'm calling that lady! I need an answer x_x
I'm sort of at a loss. I kind of want to wander down to Japantown later. I could do lunch there, but I think I would feel guilty. I shouldn't be eating out so much.
Last night the boy and I had egg and bean tacos. Not half bad, unless one is concerned about cholesterol...
What the hell?
This morning I did some myspace crap, read some Count Zero. I'm doing better on that than Neuromancer. I dunno if it's cuz I like it better or cuz I'm just reading better, but I'm...better.
Maybe I will go have lunch in Japantown. It won't be quite as lonely. I wonder if there is a way to meet more people around here. If I had some more friends I could do stuff :D Maybe that's a project...I dunno how you meet people. Hopefully today I will find out more about that job; if not, I'm calling that lady! I need an answer x_x
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Yes, I shopped, but not for what I thought I was going to get. I was planning on running into a copy of Dawn of Sorrow (magically), but that didn't work. After I met the boy for lunch (where they really fucked up our order V_V), I was on my way to the library via CompUSA (where I looked at Macs after being dismayed at their lack of DS game selection) when I stumbled into the Virgin Megastore (oops :D)
There I missed out again on Dawn of Sorrow, nearly picked up New Mario Bros, but finally settled on the Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That (which I found out today just came out yesterday o_o) and a couple Cibo Matto cds. Ok, Cibo Matto: I heard this cd SERIOUSLY 2 YEARS AGO and remembered her name from then all the way to now because I knew I was meant to own it. That is how rockin' she is. I love when stuff like that happens. Like how I bought that Ruins cd last year in France after probably about two or three years as well. AMAZING XD
Also from the Megastore I picked up three amazing t-shirts. Two by Enjin Factory (whose website is oddly blank last time I checked...) and one by Gama-Go. Nearly one by Tokidoki, but the line had to be drawn somewhere. I've discovered that I really enjoy shopping.
Not like I didn't know that, so I guess REdiscovered.
Shopping is nice.
So then I was drawn inexplicably into the GAP where I got six pairs of socks (shoot me ok? They were three for 15 and I need cute socks to go with my cute shoes ;p) and a pair of kickass (girl two length with snappy things crop) cargo shorts.
Guess where I went after that?
Got my hands on a copy of Count Zero, which I almost thought wouldn't happen because when I searched the catalogue there was ONE copy in STORAGE. All the rest were either checked out, missing, or about five years overdue. Crazy! I also got a cute Japanese book called "The Firefly Who Couldn't Fly" which I intend to use in an academic manner. After all that I dropped down to the basement for a bit to enjoy some lemonade at the cafe and bust open my cds.
So, sue me! I spent way too much money and it was really fun! ;p
Hopefully the boy will be home soon and we will have a bonding experience cleaning up the apt. There is something that ABSOLUTELY REEKS... It is SOMEWHERE in here and I dunno where. I seriously think something may have crawled through our window and died x_x I'm not upset or anything like that; it's just unpleasant. We'll get to the bottom of it sooner (or maybe later...)
There I missed out again on Dawn of Sorrow, nearly picked up New Mario Bros, but finally settled on the Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That (which I found out today just came out yesterday o_o) and a couple Cibo Matto cds. Ok, Cibo Matto: I heard this cd SERIOUSLY 2 YEARS AGO and remembered her name from then all the way to now because I knew I was meant to own it. That is how rockin' she is. I love when stuff like that happens. Like how I bought that Ruins cd last year in France after probably about two or three years as well. AMAZING XD
Also from the Megastore I picked up three amazing t-shirts. Two by Enjin Factory (whose website is oddly blank last time I checked...) and one by Gama-Go. Nearly one by Tokidoki, but the line had to be drawn somewhere. I've discovered that I really enjoy shopping.
Not like I didn't know that, so I guess REdiscovered.
Shopping is nice.
So then I was drawn inexplicably into the GAP where I got six pairs of socks (shoot me ok? They were three for 15 and I need cute socks to go with my cute shoes ;p) and a pair of kickass (girl two length with snappy things crop) cargo shorts.
Guess where I went after that?
Got my hands on a copy of Count Zero, which I almost thought wouldn't happen because when I searched the catalogue there was ONE copy in STORAGE. All the rest were either checked out, missing, or about five years overdue. Crazy! I also got a cute Japanese book called "The Firefly Who Couldn't Fly" which I intend to use in an academic manner. After all that I dropped down to the basement for a bit to enjoy some lemonade at the cafe and bust open my cds.
So, sue me! I spent way too much money and it was really fun! ;p
Hopefully the boy will be home soon and we will have a bonding experience cleaning up the apt. There is something that ABSOLUTELY REEKS... It is SOMEWHERE in here and I dunno where. I seriously think something may have crawled through our window and died x_x I'm not upset or anything like that; it's just unpleasant. We'll get to the bottom of it sooner (or maybe later...)
bon matin
I just had the greatest morning XD There is this great coffee place down the street called Cup-a-Joe. I refound it the other night, having walked past it many times but never having entered. So yesterday morning I went and it was very nice. Again today and recognized the same little boy with his mom. I noticed they were traveling. He was sooooo cute, drinking hot chocolate out of a bottle. His mom wasn't paying much attn to him, and he looked pretty bored, although he was able to mildly amuse himself by climbing onto a stool, poking around the atm machine, and banging a bit on the table. Anyhow, I started making faces at him, which was fun. I made a friend! Turns out he is French (I think French, his mom had a Guide de Routard for Californie... When I asked him where he was from he said, "My house" XD), although I think his mom is British. Anyhow we ended up having very simple but spirited conversations. He told me about the movie Stuart Little 2 (I later realized) which he has at his house, about how he said, "Au revoir" to his dad, got sick all over himself on the plane, and arrived in California. Also, he's going to Berkeley today and was pretty enthusiastic about the boat ride. I REALLY hope they come back tomorrow. Hopefully Berkeley is just a day trip. I would love to play some more!!
That coffee place is hiring, but I think I would much rather read and play away my mornings there than work. Hopefully I will be hearing from that lady today or tomorrow about the summer camp job. I was thinking about that. It would be soooo great to have that job: "facilitate play situations," yes, please! I love kids XD
That coffee place is hiring, but I think I would much rather read and play away my mornings there than work. Hopefully I will be hearing from that lady today or tomorrow about the summer camp job. I was thinking about that. It would be soooo great to have that job: "facilitate play situations," yes, please! I love kids XD
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Compulsive Grocery Shopping
It's true, but identifying the problem is the first step towards recovery!!! I grocery shop when I'm bored. We DID need bread and eggs and garbage bags, though...
I took out the garbage. That felt very productive.
Neuromancer is still sort of kicking my ass.
The boy is home early today! Maybe we'll clean more and play games and not die quite so much XD
(what? *blink blink*)
I took out the garbage. That felt very productive.
Neuromancer is still sort of kicking my ass.
The boy is home early today! Maybe we'll clean more and play games and not die quite so much XD
(what? *blink blink*)
Monday, May 22, 2006
A bit trying
today was. Pretty lonnnnng. I went to the library. I got all worried about food and crap. I took a nap. Can't let that become a nasty habit. I guess it's because I wasn't feeling so good and was also bit depressed. Woke up around 7. Was hoping the boy would've been home by then, but no cigar. I cast about for a bit and then went out in hopes to catch him on his way back. Read Gibson perched like a homeless person on the stoop decoration of some businessy place across the street from his building. Then it was dark and rather cold so I reluctantly went home. Actually I took a windy way to Polk and found a Thai place where I satisfied a long-repressed craving for yellow curry with chicken and Thai iced coffee. No onions to request a lack of at this place either, just beautiful potatoes and carrots with lovingly scalloped edges. Yum. That made me pretty happy even though I was alone and starving and feeling a bit out of it. There are even take-outs for tomorrow. Or for the boy I suppose, should he ever show up, although I seem to remember him not liking coconut milk curries, so maybe it's all mine.
I'm stuck in all my games lol. There's nowhere to go! Maybe I will read some more. Neuromancer is a bit hard to follow for me. Maybe I'm just still getting used to his style. Not always quite sure what is going on. Also, I haven't read S.F. in a long while. It feels good, but pretty foreign. Of course, I've NEVER read cyberpunk before (least of all "the novel that started it all") so maybe that's the catch. It's not bad, anyhow.
Hum hum hum. Off to chatter.
I'm stuck in all my games lol. There's nowhere to go! Maybe I will read some more. Neuromancer is a bit hard to follow for me. Maybe I'm just still getting used to his style. Not always quite sure what is going on. Also, I haven't read S.F. in a long while. It feels good, but pretty foreign. Of course, I've NEVER read cyberpunk before (least of all "the novel that started it all") so maybe that's the catch. It's not bad, anyhow.
Hum hum hum. Off to chatter.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
It's finally summer! I'm free of the dorm, free of the campus stress, free of finals. Yay, yay, yay.
I even got to leave early because the cardiologist appt had to be rescheduled (i.e. cancelled). So I've been in San Francisco since Tuesday night, which is very nice. The boy had off this week so we've just been relaxing, playing games, watching tv shows on the computer... XD
Ohhhh, this reminds me, though, that there is a scholarship I was going to apply for. I had better do that...
It's due June 1 @_@
Oh, and I got officially accepted to Sophia. There wasn't really any doubt of that, but it's still nice to know...
I even got to leave early because the cardiologist appt had to be rescheduled (i.e. cancelled). So I've been in San Francisco since Tuesday night, which is very nice. The boy had off this week so we've just been relaxing, playing games, watching tv shows on the computer... XD
Ohhhh, this reminds me, though, that there is a scholarship I was going to apply for. I had better do that...
It's due June 1 @_@
Oh, and I got officially accepted to Sophia. There wasn't really any doubt of that, but it's still nice to know...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Typo: "Ducking"
I wonder if that implies something (instead of "Duck" ne)
I had a dream last night that I failed my Japanese final. I already know I got a 97%, but in the dream I got 6 out of 12. I wonder why it was out of 12. All I can think of is that 12 is the hottest number, so maybe that's why. Anyways, I failed. I had my characteristic reaction to failing. I thought it was hilarious. It doesn't happen very often, ne. Not so utterly. And anyhow, I would still get a C or B in the class if that happened.
I find it amusing that I'm dreaming about the test that I ALREADY TOOK.
Oh well. I decided that since breakfast is the one meal on campus I still can take that it would make more sense to go out for lunch. Or maybe I will scrap the whole idea. Anyhow, right now a bagel and grapefruit sounds pretty damned good.
Still haven't heard from the boy. I'm a little worried now. Probably I'm just being paranoid...
The Escapist is running a "best of" issue this week. Maybe this is my chance to try to catch up!! (from...January lol)
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll try to do everything the way it needs to be done.
I had a dream last night that I failed my Japanese final. I already know I got a 97%, but in the dream I got 6 out of 12. I wonder why it was out of 12. All I can think of is that 12 is the hottest number, so maybe that's why. Anyways, I failed. I had my characteristic reaction to failing. I thought it was hilarious. It doesn't happen very often, ne. Not so utterly. And anyhow, I would still get a C or B in the class if that happened.
I find it amusing that I'm dreaming about the test that I ALREADY TOOK.
Oh well. I decided that since breakfast is the one meal on campus I still can take that it would make more sense to go out for lunch. Or maybe I will scrap the whole idea. Anyhow, right now a bagel and grapefruit sounds pretty damned good.
Still haven't heard from the boy. I'm a little worried now. Probably I'm just being paranoid...
The Escapist is running a "best of" issue this week. Maybe this is my chance to try to catch up!! (from...January lol)
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll try to do everything the way it needs to be done.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Let's see if I can procrastinate some more...
Blah, I just took some pix, but I'm too lazy to even include them right now. Basically just consists of: 1) look how empty my room is 2) look how over school I am.
I have this sense when I feel like something is already over. Like last night when I gave up trying to reach the train. I just felt like it was too late, and there were other options, but the option of catching the train was done for. This is applicable now in two ways. First, I feel like both of these classes have been over for quite some time. The past week or two have been nothing but presentations and movies. Second, I feel like the option of studying is pretty much dead. I just can't do it. I think about it. I picked up my notebook. It's sitting right there. I went and had a snack so I couldn't say I was hungry. It's just not happening.
Do I just not care?
I want to do my best. I don't know how, though. Will forcing myself to look at this stuff really make me better?
Honestly, I just don't want to write the meta-narrative essay. He's going to ask us what the meta-narrative of modern Japanese history is, and I don't feel like writing an essay on that. That's something you bounce around, discuss, read scholarly opinions of. I dunno. I don't feel qualified or inclined to make any sort of authoritative sounding document dealing with that topic.
I think my other issue is that sometime after I said good-bye to him this morning the boy dropped off the planet. Maybe I'm just being annoying, but I sorta wish I knew what he was up to. I can't get a hold of him and I told him I would call after my exam, soooooo I dunno.
I think I'm just in a mood.
I wonder if missing pills is contributing at all.
You know, if all of this school and campus life etc would just wind down on it's own, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. It's just that ending it all takes so much EFFORT. I have to take tests and mail things, clean things, make appts with RAs to check on the room, pack up the rest of my crud, and then wednesday I'm hiking to the cardiologist again and then hiking even more after that (with all my crap, mind you) to the train station where I will finally be able to relax. I like trains. I can deal with trains. Amtrak is nice.
I'm also serious about the nap thing. Whyyyy does it do that? I was hoping eating something else would help settle my stomach down, but it's still sore. It's a weird sort of thing...not really burny but...closer to that than to anything else. Ugh.
So what are my issues right now?
I'm lonely. I'm stressed out over tests (or maybe not stressed out enough...) My sleep is off. My stomach hurts.
I don't want to do anything.
I feel like if I try to study I will get sick or something. I'm that against it right now. If I think about looking at notes, I get this idea in my head that it will make my stomach feel worse, or maybe I just won't be able to concentrate properly or something. I dunno. Ha, concentration.
I guess I'm just burned out. Where did I go wrong?
Should I just allow myself to screw off till tomorrow? I have a few hours (during which I was supposed to run errands...) before my history test, and I'm not so worried about Lit. Hell, lit I could probably think about tonight if I wanted. And then, it's not like I haven't studied at all for history. I've been doing little bits. I read some relevent chapters in another book. Good review. I like getting other sources rather than just rereading the same stuff over and over. Repetition is good, but it's even better if you can change the context. That said, I dunno if that really works for history. It does for languages, though.
*falls over*
I don't even want to play games anymore. Maybe I should just go to bed. Go to bed, and get up tomorrow and take myself out for breakfast with the money I shouldn't spend. Pretty sure I've had it with the dining hall. I'm thinking cereal, bagels, and sandwiches from here on out. And breakfast.
I'm trying to decide if this is constructive or not, going over all the shit in my head like this. Maybe it is just self-indulgent and stupid. Maybe I'm "wallowing." By the way, I REALLY hate that word in that context. It just sounds really demeaning. It's like when people ask if you've been doing anything "naughty" lately. Makes me want to kick their teeth in.
Yeah, I guess I'm starting to feel kind of bad about it now. Going on and on like this. Maybe I will go brush my teeth, put on some music, and sack out. My stomach hates me.
I have this sense when I feel like something is already over. Like last night when I gave up trying to reach the train. I just felt like it was too late, and there were other options, but the option of catching the train was done for. This is applicable now in two ways. First, I feel like both of these classes have been over for quite some time. The past week or two have been nothing but presentations and movies. Second, I feel like the option of studying is pretty much dead. I just can't do it. I think about it. I picked up my notebook. It's sitting right there. I went and had a snack so I couldn't say I was hungry. It's just not happening.
Do I just not care?
I want to do my best. I don't know how, though. Will forcing myself to look at this stuff really make me better?
Honestly, I just don't want to write the meta-narrative essay. He's going to ask us what the meta-narrative of modern Japanese history is, and I don't feel like writing an essay on that. That's something you bounce around, discuss, read scholarly opinions of. I dunno. I don't feel qualified or inclined to make any sort of authoritative sounding document dealing with that topic.
I think my other issue is that sometime after I said good-bye to him this morning the boy dropped off the planet. Maybe I'm just being annoying, but I sorta wish I knew what he was up to. I can't get a hold of him and I told him I would call after my exam, soooooo I dunno.
I think I'm just in a mood.
I wonder if missing pills is contributing at all.
You know, if all of this school and campus life etc would just wind down on it's own, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. It's just that ending it all takes so much EFFORT. I have to take tests and mail things, clean things, make appts with RAs to check on the room, pack up the rest of my crud, and then wednesday I'm hiking to the cardiologist again and then hiking even more after that (with all my crap, mind you) to the train station where I will finally be able to relax. I like trains. I can deal with trains. Amtrak is nice.
I'm also serious about the nap thing. Whyyyy does it do that? I was hoping eating something else would help settle my stomach down, but it's still sore. It's a weird sort of thing...not really burny but...closer to that than to anything else. Ugh.
So what are my issues right now?
I'm lonely. I'm stressed out over tests (or maybe not stressed out enough...) My sleep is off. My stomach hurts.
I don't want to do anything.
I feel like if I try to study I will get sick or something. I'm that against it right now. If I think about looking at notes, I get this idea in my head that it will make my stomach feel worse, or maybe I just won't be able to concentrate properly or something. I dunno. Ha, concentration.
I guess I'm just burned out. Where did I go wrong?
Should I just allow myself to screw off till tomorrow? I have a few hours (during which I was supposed to run errands...) before my history test, and I'm not so worried about Lit. Hell, lit I could probably think about tonight if I wanted. And then, it's not like I haven't studied at all for history. I've been doing little bits. I read some relevent chapters in another book. Good review. I like getting other sources rather than just rereading the same stuff over and over. Repetition is good, but it's even better if you can change the context. That said, I dunno if that really works for history. It does for languages, though.
*falls over*
I don't even want to play games anymore. Maybe I should just go to bed. Go to bed, and get up tomorrow and take myself out for breakfast with the money I shouldn't spend. Pretty sure I've had it with the dining hall. I'm thinking cereal, bagels, and sandwiches from here on out. And breakfast.
I'm trying to decide if this is constructive or not, going over all the shit in my head like this. Maybe it is just self-indulgent and stupid. Maybe I'm "wallowing." By the way, I REALLY hate that word in that context. It just sounds really demeaning. It's like when people ask if you've been doing anything "naughty" lately. Makes me want to kick their teeth in.
Yeah, I guess I'm starting to feel kind of bad about it now. Going on and on like this. Maybe I will go brush my teeth, put on some music, and sack out. My stomach hates me.
Note to Self (Or: To Reiterate)
Do not take naps. They make you feel sick.
Do not try the nasty-looking food in the dining hall no matter what they CALL it.
Study for your exams or you will fail.
Find the remote control missles.
Do not try the nasty-looking food in the dining hall no matter what they CALL it.
Study for your exams or you will fail.
Find the remote control missles.
Omihell, I feel like crap.
Can I go back to bed? God, I took a nap cuz I was bored and tired. Had this screwed up dream where this professor (not a real one, a dream one at some dream college) came in my room and was like molesting me. He wouldn't get off me and I kept telling him to stop and finally managed to chuck him on the floor and get away. God, what a freak. The whole time I was like where's Scott where's Scott where's Scott?
Then so just several minutes ago I woke up and thought it was like seven o'clock, in which case it was past when I usually eat and that the dining hall would close soon, so I dragged myself up (feeling very unsteady and yucky, since napping is generally just bad for me) and over to the food. Then I ate some nasty stuff that was supposed to be Mexican and regrette it instantly and still right now. I feel like total shit, haven't taken my meds yet, don't want to study and ON TOP OF THAT IT WAS ONLY QUARTER TO FIVE.
wtf wtf wtf
I'm so mad.
In other words, I think campus is trying to have a parting shot before I get out of here and right now it's winning.
GOD, I hate it here...
Then so just several minutes ago I woke up and thought it was like seven o'clock, in which case it was past when I usually eat and that the dining hall would close soon, so I dragged myself up (feeling very unsteady and yucky, since napping is generally just bad for me) and over to the food. Then I ate some nasty stuff that was supposed to be Mexican and regrette it instantly and still right now. I feel like total shit, haven't taken my meds yet, don't want to study and ON TOP OF THAT IT WAS ONLY QUARTER TO FIVE.
wtf wtf wtf
I'm so mad.
In other words, I think campus is trying to have a parting shot before I get out of here and right now it's winning.
GOD, I hate it here...
A Nifty Oops
I missed my train back to Stockton last night. Luckily, I was able to get permission to show up to my math exam late, and even get some extra time (which I ended up not needing cuz I take tests crazy stupid fast XD)
At first it was stressful, cuz we had been rushing to leave, but I sorta gave up. I figured it would be easier to just get up early and leave. We had pizza and played Metal Gear Solid until 1 am. A really good night, considering how it started :D
I caught a cab from the train station this morning (ten bux x_x) and took the math test. Not so bad. I think I did decently. Two more finals tomorrow and then school is officially over XD
For a couple months ;p
BUT, the next time I have classes will be in Tokyo. That's sort of mind-blowing *_*
*ramble* OK, I guess I didn't really have anything that exciting to say. I wish my tests were over is all. I really don't want to study... Lit should be fine, and history is just...scary. I dunno what to do to get ready. I've been reading to review and looking over handouts and things, but I dunno. Bleh, I just have no idea. >_< I will feel SO MUCH BETTER come five o'clock tomorrow evening.
Wednesday is going to be so nice. I'll get to Frisco, and NOT HAVE TO LEAVE. Not in two days, or three days, or a couple weeks. I will just be there for the whole summer. *sigh* WONDERFUL
*love and sparkles*
At first it was stressful, cuz we had been rushing to leave, but I sorta gave up. I figured it would be easier to just get up early and leave. We had pizza and played Metal Gear Solid until 1 am. A really good night, considering how it started :D
I caught a cab from the train station this morning (ten bux x_x) and took the math test. Not so bad. I think I did decently. Two more finals tomorrow and then school is officially over XD
For a couple months ;p
BUT, the next time I have classes will be in Tokyo. That's sort of mind-blowing *_*
*ramble* OK, I guess I didn't really have anything that exciting to say. I wish my tests were over is all. I really don't want to study... Lit should be fine, and history is just...scary. I dunno what to do to get ready. I've been reading to review and looking over handouts and things, but I dunno. Bleh, I just have no idea. >_< I will feel SO MUCH BETTER come five o'clock tomorrow evening.
Wednesday is going to be so nice. I'll get to Frisco, and NOT HAVE TO LEAVE. Not in two days, or three days, or a couple weeks. I will just be there for the whole summer. *sigh* WONDERFUL
*love and sparkles*
Saturday, May 13, 2006
RIP my first flares
Also my favorites x_x
The worst part I guess, is that they somehow managed to rip to the point where I was tripping over them every other step practically. I looked like a complete idiot and then when they finally ripped up the calf (which still didn't stop the tripping) these ladies were behind me all, "Are you ok?"
First dim sum experience outside of the dining hall. I think I made them mad. I only had five bucks and was just craving some meat so I got pork and shrimp shu mai. Tasty!
The boy's plane "got lost" somehow, so he's delayed. Guess I will just punk around till he gets back...
The worst part I guess, is that they somehow managed to rip to the point where I was tripping over them every other step practically. I looked like a complete idiot and then when they finally ripped up the calf (which still didn't stop the tripping) these ladies were behind me all, "Are you ok?"
First dim sum experience outside of the dining hall. I think I made them mad. I only had five bucks and was just craving some meat so I got pork and shrimp shu mai. Tasty!
The boy's plane "got lost" somehow, so he's delayed. Guess I will just punk around till he gets back...
Friday, May 12, 2006
Grocery Zeal
Yeah, I get a little excited in grocery stores XD
Especially after being cooped up in a dorm. Farewell to the stupid dining hall!! Bwah hahahaha.
MMmmmmm...should probably go read or something :D I got a call back from that lady. Sounds like she may be interested XD Said she would call me back in the next couple days.
On the way home from the cute awesome grocery store there was a fight going on in the street. This guy was layin' on the horn at this lady who had stopped because there was an ambulance in the middle of the street ahead. There was another man trying to help because this guy was being such a jerk, but then the jerk got OUT of his car and started swearing at everyone. It was pretty scary >_<
Lalalaaaaaa...the boy will be home tomorrow. That'll be nice XD
Especially after being cooped up in a dorm. Farewell to the stupid dining hall!! Bwah hahahaha.
MMmmmmm...should probably go read or something :D I got a call back from that lady. Sounds like she may be interested XD Said she would call me back in the next couple days.
On the way home from the cute awesome grocery store there was a fight going on in the street. This guy was layin' on the horn at this lady who had stopped because there was an ambulance in the middle of the street ahead. There was another man trying to help because this guy was being such a jerk, but then the jerk got OUT of his car and started swearing at everyone. It was pretty scary >_<
Lalalaaaaaa...the boy will be home tomorrow. That'll be nice XD
Hum. So I'm applying for jobs. I can set up an interview at a coffee place in the financial district and I'm waiting for this lady to call back about this job helping an autistic boy at summer camp. Either one would be sweet. *waits around*
In other news...
ok lol. There is no other news. I should go do something ;D
In other news...
ok lol. There is no other news. I should go do something ;D
Thursday, May 11, 2006
So close to the end!!!
Today Flipper helped me move to Frisco XD Most of my stuff from my dorm is now here in Scott's apt (exploded all over the other room...I dunno where we're going to put it all...). I forgot my pillow, though, which makes me sad. I'll have it in a couple days either way...
Unfortunately, the dishes are still playing Spore in the sink. I think they're almost up to the civilization level... o_o I went shopping and tried to buy things that don't require cooking. I'm going to get some almond butter somewhere and I managed to find blueberry jam sweetened with grape juice and not sugar :D I got hummus, guacamole, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, and a bunch of fruit. For dinner I'm having lean cuisine lemon pepper fish and broccoli with cheddar cheese. This is a CHOICE that I made. We'll see how it turns out. See, lately I remembered how we used to have fish sticks and mac 'n cheese for dinner when I was a little kid and I've been missing that. This is ALMOST the same...right? Probably we'll end up doing it for real later, but Flipper and I had pizza for lunch and I had pancakes 'n stuff for breakfast, so I'm sorta feeling like something healthy. Plain yogurt and strawberries IS SO TASTY O_O
It was a total pain getting all my stuff up here. We had to park three or four blocks away and walk UPhill. Yuck. I need a shower >_< After that, though, I need to review some history. I played Metal Gear Solid for a while this afternoon as a break, but I really do need to get down to some business.
(Bleh, I should've bought some aloe. I have a cute little sun rash on my arm v_v)
Tomorrow I need to study and I also want to maybe apply for some jobs. I'm supposed to have a resume, though...
(More bleh...)
Well, looks like my food is nearly cooked, so I'm off to take it out of the oven...
OH, and I heard from Scott today. He lives! :D
Unfortunately, the dishes are still playing Spore in the sink. I think they're almost up to the civilization level... o_o I went shopping and tried to buy things that don't require cooking. I'm going to get some almond butter somewhere and I managed to find blueberry jam sweetened with grape juice and not sugar :D I got hummus, guacamole, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, and a bunch of fruit. For dinner I'm having lean cuisine lemon pepper fish and broccoli with cheddar cheese. This is a CHOICE that I made. We'll see how it turns out. See, lately I remembered how we used to have fish sticks and mac 'n cheese for dinner when I was a little kid and I've been missing that. This is ALMOST the same...right? Probably we'll end up doing it for real later, but Flipper and I had pizza for lunch and I had pancakes 'n stuff for breakfast, so I'm sorta feeling like something healthy. Plain yogurt and strawberries IS SO TASTY O_O
It was a total pain getting all my stuff up here. We had to park three or four blocks away and walk UPhill. Yuck. I need a shower >_< After that, though, I need to review some history. I played Metal Gear Solid for a while this afternoon as a break, but I really do need to get down to some business.
(Bleh, I should've bought some aloe. I have a cute little sun rash on my arm v_v)
Tomorrow I need to study and I also want to maybe apply for some jobs. I'm supposed to have a resume, though...
(More bleh...)
Well, looks like my food is nearly cooked, so I'm off to take it out of the oven...
OH, and I heard from Scott today. He lives! :D
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Run Around
This morning at the typical hour of 7:30ish I was released from my gentle slumber to set forth into the morning. Luckily, the dining hall was not operating on an off-day schedule, even though we had no classes, so I was able to breakfast on grapefruit (disappointingly tasteless today : /) and a bagel with pb and cream cheese (delicious, although I have run out of my natural pb, which I have grown to prefer over the regular variety.)
Then, it was off to the cardiologist. I had no idea how long it would take to amble over there so I gave myself quite a while. It was a nice, easywalk, and I actually arrived over a half hour early. To my elation, there was a cute little indie coffee joint right next door, though, so I spent a few of my excess moments there taking in the antiquey atmosphere and a mocha glacier (Yum :D but a bit too much ice...)
My appointment with the cardiologist took place on the second floor of a big medical center. Suite 14. It reminded me of going to the orthodontist as a kid, same sort of atmosphere. In fact, I would be there is a cardiologist at that center in Oconomowoc as well. In the waiting room I read some fairly boring magazine articles, but in the examination room they had all sorts of interesting posters with hearts and things. One of them explained ECP (external counterpulsion...I think that's what it stood for.) It's a non-invasive treatment to reduce angina...p-something... Anyways, what they do is basically pump air into these cuffs around your legs, which gets the blood flowing back up to your heart better. I guess the goal is to encourage the use of smaller routes rather than the main veins to keep the pressure off them or something? It seemed a little technical. Anyhow, you have to go for seven weeks and then you might be cured!
Finally the doctor's assistant came in and asked me a bunch of questions. He was very friendly. Then he left and I sat around for a while until the doctor himself showed up. He was very concise. Apparently I have a m-something (valve?) insufficiency "of no consequence." Sounds good to me :D I still have to come in for an ultrasound appointment, even though it's of no consequence and they even did an EKG which came out normal. The up side to this is that next time I will bring my camera and take pictures of the cool little coffee shop and anything else of interest along the way. The down side to this is the only time they could get me in is a week from today, which requires an extra nights stay in Stockton. I guess I'll survive. Unfortunately, the only train leaving after my appointment that day is at 2:30 in the afternoon, so I'll have to find something exciting to do until then.
After all that, I returned to campus where a friend and I had a tutor review with us for our math exam. It was VERY helpful. Now I feel like I at least understand everything. I just need to study to remember how to use all the formulas and whatnot. Should be fine.
Before my Japanese exam, I reprised the picnic the boy and I had the other weekend at the Summit, or at least the sandwich part. I could get all the same ingredients! It was very tasty. I think the exam went well. I'm glad I was able to take it early.
Right now I'm waiting until I can go pick up some things at the health center. I tried once already (after buying some grapes and getting sufficient cash back at the S-Mart,) but the lady wasn't there. Lots of running around today...
Things to Do
1. Laundry
2. Pack
3. Review
4. Relax
That doesn't SEEM difficult, but there are quite a few subitems and ways to break it down into infintismal tidbits.
Somehow it will all get done, and then tomorrow I can take off for a nice weekend before those last three tests :D
Then, it was off to the cardiologist. I had no idea how long it would take to amble over there so I gave myself quite a while. It was a nice, easywalk, and I actually arrived over a half hour early. To my elation, there was a cute little indie coffee joint right next door, though, so I spent a few of my excess moments there taking in the antiquey atmosphere and a mocha glacier (Yum :D but a bit too much ice...)
My appointment with the cardiologist took place on the second floor of a big medical center. Suite 14. It reminded me of going to the orthodontist as a kid, same sort of atmosphere. In fact, I would be there is a cardiologist at that center in Oconomowoc as well. In the waiting room I read some fairly boring magazine articles, but in the examination room they had all sorts of interesting posters with hearts and things. One of them explained ECP (external counterpulsion...I think that's what it stood for.) It's a non-invasive treatment to reduce angina...p-something... Anyways, what they do is basically pump air into these cuffs around your legs, which gets the blood flowing back up to your heart better. I guess the goal is to encourage the use of smaller routes rather than the main veins to keep the pressure off them or something? It seemed a little technical. Anyhow, you have to go for seven weeks and then you might be cured!
Finally the doctor's assistant came in and asked me a bunch of questions. He was very friendly. Then he left and I sat around for a while until the doctor himself showed up. He was very concise. Apparently I have a m-something (valve?) insufficiency "of no consequence." Sounds good to me :D I still have to come in for an ultrasound appointment, even though it's of no consequence and they even did an EKG which came out normal. The up side to this is that next time I will bring my camera and take pictures of the cool little coffee shop and anything else of interest along the way. The down side to this is the only time they could get me in is a week from today, which requires an extra nights stay in Stockton. I guess I'll survive. Unfortunately, the only train leaving after my appointment that day is at 2:30 in the afternoon, so I'll have to find something exciting to do until then.
After all that, I returned to campus where a friend and I had a tutor review with us for our math exam. It was VERY helpful. Now I feel like I at least understand everything. I just need to study to remember how to use all the formulas and whatnot. Should be fine.
Before my Japanese exam, I reprised the picnic the boy and I had the other weekend at the Summit, or at least the sandwich part. I could get all the same ingredients! It was very tasty. I think the exam went well. I'm glad I was able to take it early.
Right now I'm waiting until I can go pick up some things at the health center. I tried once already (after buying some grapes and getting sufficient cash back at the S-Mart,) but the lady wasn't there. Lots of running around today...
Things to Do
1. Laundry
2. Pack
3. Review
4. Relax
That doesn't SEEM difficult, but there are quite a few subitems and ways to break it down into infintismal tidbits.
Somehow it will all get done, and then tomorrow I can take off for a nice weekend before those last three tests :D
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
An Uncharismatic Vent
Or at least any charisma there IS will be entirely on accident. I'm not aiming to please. I'm aiming to void my mind.
Soooo. I've come to the realization that I truly do not want to study for my exams. So much preparation! And then, the exams themselves! Hours of essays! Bleh! Tomorrow is Japanese, Monday is math, Tuesday is Lit and History. Then I am free!
So the boy called today from LA but I MISSED IT X_X Yesterday his phone was THE BUST so we couldn't talk and just had to content ourselves with chatting online. I'm afraid I complained RATHER a bit. I'm feeling frustrated. I'm sort of mad at myself, though, because I had been planning on just listening to how he was doing more because I know he's stressed out too.
Anyhow I hope he calls back, or is free when I try to call or something. It'd be so nice to talk today :D
What else...I have to walk to the cardiologist tomorrow and I really don't know how long it will take. Much less how long the appt will take, much less whether I will have time to do all that and be back in time for my Japanese test which I am totally being a pain in the neck about by taking it early (on a day when there is supposed to be no school >_<) I wish I could get a ride, but I dunno who to ask.
People stress me out sometimes. Sometimes the things they say are really bizarre and you wonder why they are talking about you in the first place.
Secondly, it is funny the way people's opinions of one differ so greatly. For example, I gave a speech: some said volume was good, others said to speak up; some said eye contact was great, others said i read too much. Some people say short hair suits me better but then five minutes later I have people telling me long hair suits me better.
What else?
I dunno. I'm sick of feeling sick. I think the dining hall is maybe getting to me. Mostly though, it's these pills. My doctor said to just stick it out till I leave for Tokyo. What can I say to that other than, "ok?"
Ah, maybe more later. I'm being coerced into watching some weird youtube movie...
OH speaking of which. I started Densha Otoko today. I had no idea it was going to be so great!!! Awesome. I'm psyched.
And my sister liked the UV bracelet I got her *score*
Soooo. I've come to the realization that I truly do not want to study for my exams. So much preparation! And then, the exams themselves! Hours of essays! Bleh! Tomorrow is Japanese, Monday is math, Tuesday is Lit and History. Then I am free!
So the boy called today from LA but I MISSED IT X_X Yesterday his phone was THE BUST so we couldn't talk and just had to content ourselves with chatting online. I'm afraid I complained RATHER a bit. I'm feeling frustrated. I'm sort of mad at myself, though, because I had been planning on just listening to how he was doing more because I know he's stressed out too.
Anyhow I hope he calls back, or is free when I try to call or something. It'd be so nice to talk today :D
What else...I have to walk to the cardiologist tomorrow and I really don't know how long it will take. Much less how long the appt will take, much less whether I will have time to do all that and be back in time for my Japanese test which I am totally being a pain in the neck about by taking it early (on a day when there is supposed to be no school >_<) I wish I could get a ride, but I dunno who to ask.
People stress me out sometimes. Sometimes the things they say are really bizarre and you wonder why they are talking about you in the first place.
Secondly, it is funny the way people's opinions of one differ so greatly. For example, I gave a speech: some said volume was good, others said to speak up; some said eye contact was great, others said i read too much. Some people say short hair suits me better but then five minutes later I have people telling me long hair suits me better.
What else?
I dunno. I'm sick of feeling sick. I think the dining hall is maybe getting to me. Mostly though, it's these pills. My doctor said to just stick it out till I leave for Tokyo. What can I say to that other than, "ok?"
Ah, maybe more later. I'm being coerced into watching some weird youtube movie...
OH speaking of which. I started Densha Otoko today. I had no idea it was going to be so great!!! Awesome. I'm psyched.
And my sister liked the UV bracelet I got her *score*
Monday, May 08, 2006
Nattou attack!!
Today a milestone event occurred.
I can't say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I could manage. The smell didn't overly bother me and the taste wasn't sooooo bad. Tolerable with nori and rice. I dunno. It doesn't look as if I'll go out of my way to eat it, but I CAN, so that's good enough. Although it does appear to be helpful in preventing blood clots. That is useful...
Anyhow, I guess that's about it for this morning. We ate that and doughnuts while watching Tony Takitani. Math class review earlier this morning was disappointing; didn't really cover what I would've liked. In fact, we didn't cover much at all. Oh well. Tomorrow is the last day of classes! Just gotta keep studying till this semester breaths it's last!!!! *rar*
The boy is at E3 now. I miss him lots. Of course, I missed him lots before he was down in LA, but you know what I mean. Hum hum hum. Think I'm gonna go get an orange...
I can't say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I could manage. The smell didn't overly bother me and the taste wasn't sooooo bad. Tolerable with nori and rice. I dunno. It doesn't look as if I'll go out of my way to eat it, but I CAN, so that's good enough. Although it does appear to be helpful in preventing blood clots. That is useful...
Anyhow, I guess that's about it for this morning. We ate that and doughnuts while watching Tony Takitani. Math class review earlier this morning was disappointing; didn't really cover what I would've liked. In fact, we didn't cover much at all. Oh well. Tomorrow is the last day of classes! Just gotta keep studying till this semester breaths it's last!!!! *rar*
The boy is at E3 now. I miss him lots. Of course, I missed him lots before he was down in LA, but you know what I mean. Hum hum hum. Think I'm gonna go get an orange...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Return of the Flipper (and various insecurities) + happy
We had coffee today at Java Aroma, and BIG TASTY CINNIMINIMIUMINUM BUNS XD
It was really nice to catch up. Spent most of the day doing that. No pix, though.
Man, for some reason, though, I have the munchies like mad today. Probably cuz I had too much sugar @_@ I feel kinda yucky, although that could be from my pills...
Kimi wa Petto episode five is my favorite one so far. So cute! So heart-wrenching! *wrench wrench* Do you think it's true that people are able to tell their pets they love them because they know their pets will never betray them?
Arrrrgh. I have to go to some mandatory dorm meeting. It's just end of the year crud we need to know...which is already posted all over every door and the mirror in the bathroom etc...
Hmm, I can tell I am worried about the way I ate this weekend. It's too bad. I can try to relax enough to just eat whatever, but then I feel bad later. It doesn't help that I just ate jelly beans. I just sorta felt like it, so I did. Probably not a good idea.
It's OK, though, right? I'll survive.
Had a nice phone call with the boy today, as usual. He's going to have a much busier week than me. *_*
Ah wellll, guess it's time for that meeting x_x
It was really nice to catch up. Spent most of the day doing that. No pix, though.
Man, for some reason, though, I have the munchies like mad today. Probably cuz I had too much sugar @_@ I feel kinda yucky, although that could be from my pills...
Kimi wa Petto episode five is my favorite one so far. So cute! So heart-wrenching! *wrench wrench* Do you think it's true that people are able to tell their pets they love them because they know their pets will never betray them?
Arrrrgh. I have to go to some mandatory dorm meeting. It's just end of the year crud we need to know...which is already posted all over every door and the mirror in the bathroom etc...
Hmm, I can tell I am worried about the way I ate this weekend. It's too bad. I can try to relax enough to just eat whatever, but then I feel bad later. It doesn't help that I just ate jelly beans. I just sorta felt like it, so I did. Probably not a good idea.
It's OK, though, right? I'll survive.
Had a nice phone call with the boy today, as usual. He's going to have a much busier week than me. *_*
Ah wellll, guess it's time for that meeting x_x
Saturday, May 06, 2006
A Satur Sort of Day III
So, these are both pretty blurry pictures, but there's not much I can do about it. Try as I might, my digicam does not feel like focusing like that. Anyways, JD let me borrow some toys:

I was studying while he plays Kirby:CC. This kanji was really freakin' elusive:

I know you can't read it, but it's the one from 単語and the only way I found it was by guessing that the reading was "tango" which it is and then finding it in my kanji dictionary by the reading. For some reason SKIP was giving me a hard time. I should practice.
In other news, I've been watching more Kimi wa Petto. It's still cute. Sometimes I like some of that drama. You know? It's like the OC. I enjoyed that sometimes. Not Laguna Beach, though.

I was studying while he plays Kirby:CC. This kanji was really freakin' elusive:

I know you can't read it, but it's the one from 単語and the only way I found it was by guessing that the reading was "tango" which it is and then finding it in my kanji dictionary by the reading. For some reason SKIP was giving me a hard time. I should practice.
In other news, I've been watching more Kimi wa Petto. It's still cute. Sometimes I like some of that drama. You know? It's like the OC. I enjoyed that sometimes. Not Laguna Beach, though.
A Satur Sort of Day II

Actually, I added those sound effects. He was just drinking:

So, first we went to my bank, and then we went to Target. I should've taken more pictures is basically what I'm saying, but I didn't so you'll have to deal with this half-assed feel. We ended up at the mall where we did fun stuff. I played Beatmania for the first time, but, of course, forgot to take a pic of that. Instead I have pix of JD playing single double on DDR 5th mix:



DDR is fun :D I even played some green feet. After the arcade we ate mall asian food, which I haven't had in a while, probably because there is so much BETTER ASIAN FOOD AROUND hahaha. Needless to say, I forgot to take a picture, and in any case it wouldn't fit here because google only allows you five pix per entry...

Actually, I added those sound effects. He was just drinking:

So, first we went to my bank, and then we went to Target. I should've taken more pictures is basically what I'm saying, but I didn't so you'll have to deal with this half-assed feel. We ended up at the mall where we did fun stuff. I played Beatmania for the first time, but, of course, forgot to take a pic of that. Instead I have pix of JD playing single double on DDR 5th mix:



DDR is fun :D I even played some green feet. After the arcade we ate mall asian food, which I haven't had in a while, probably because there is so much BETTER ASIAN FOOD AROUND hahaha. Needless to say, I forgot to take a picture, and in any case it wouldn't fit here because google only allows you five pix per entry...
A Satur Sort of Day
Kanji Torment
Among other things. I'll post something cheerful later, but right now, I want to just cry a little bit about how I feel like I will never get this stuff down. I mean, really, how long does it take? What WORKS? How do I remember? HOW? Because though 就職came only a chapter or two ago, it was looking awfully foreign for a bit.
Doesn't really help that our prof is putting kanji on the exam that we didn't actually learn. AS IF WE DIDN'T LEARN A LOT.
It's ok. There are only a couple, and they are useful, so might as well try to memorize them.
I don't even have the ones down that I was supposed to for this year. I really need some...divine kanji inspiration.
Or maybe I just don't study hard enough. People THINK I study an awful lot, but I really don't. I should work more on kanji, but I'm not sure what to DO.
Just writing them over and over helps, but only to a point. I'm not really one to make up silly stories, or whatever. That just seems like more to remember.
Hopefully in Japan my classes will be different. Maybe I'll learn some new strategies. Until then, I'll just work hard this summer reviewing and trying to learn new words to go with the kanji I know. That is also very frustrating, finding kanji that you "know" but don't know THAT particular reading. It's almost more a vocab issue than a kanji issue. Sometimes I'd rather treat it like that, but maybe the systematic kanji background is useful as well...
Anyways...less rambling, more studying?
Doesn't really help that our prof is putting kanji on the exam that we didn't actually learn. AS IF WE DIDN'T LEARN A LOT.
It's ok. There are only a couple, and they are useful, so might as well try to memorize them.
I don't even have the ones down that I was supposed to for this year. I really need some...divine kanji inspiration.
Or maybe I just don't study hard enough. People THINK I study an awful lot, but I really don't. I should work more on kanji, but I'm not sure what to DO.
Just writing them over and over helps, but only to a point. I'm not really one to make up silly stories, or whatever. That just seems like more to remember.
Hopefully in Japan my classes will be different. Maybe I'll learn some new strategies. Until then, I'll just work hard this summer reviewing and trying to learn new words to go with the kanji I know. That is also very frustrating, finding kanji that you "know" but don't know THAT particular reading. It's almost more a vocab issue than a kanji issue. Sometimes I'd rather treat it like that, but maybe the systematic kanji background is useful as well...
Anyways...less rambling, more studying?
Friday, May 05, 2006
Apparently this is Momo (from the Kimi wa Petto)'s favorite food. When I first heard of omuraisu, I wasn't sure I would be too enthusiastic about it because of the ketchup. I really don't like ketchup. Recently, though, I have been eating the school meatloaf, which has ketchup baked on top. Also, one time in Paris I remember they put ketchup on my hamburger, and even though I don't particular like it, it wasn't the same as when I was little and would refuse to eat it. Maybe now I have a tolerance for ketchup. Who knows? Perhaps I should dip a fry in sometime and see...
Nah x_x That's going too far. I will definitely try omuraisu though! Maybe Scott and I can try them together sometime. He's good at omlettes and I can manage rice! Together, we make...
Nah x_x That's going too far. I will definitely try omuraisu though! Maybe Scott and I can try them together sometime. He's good at omlettes and I can manage rice! Together, we make...
Kimi wa Petto
I'm totally in love with this show!!! It's so cute. So far, I've only see the first episode. It's my first Jdrama! I'm so happy ^_^
It's about this business lady who ends up keeping a mysterious homeless boy as a pet. Definitely check it out! XD
It's about this business lady who ends up keeping a mysterious homeless boy as a pet. Definitely check it out! XD
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A meaningless sentence:
"The most interesting thing about Junichiro Koizumi is that he is interesting," and a JOURNALISM PROF said this?!? Even if you forgive him for being inarticulate in conversation (which I'm afraid, the majority of the general population, including myself, is), why would whoever wrote this article quote that part of the interview? lol The quote that follows is better, but wow, how silly.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Flavor of News
Yesterday I gave my presentation on compulsory education. Hopefully it wasn't too mind-numbing. I probably was a little too chronology-oriented. It was a little disconcerting to me that everyone else seemed to get away with just sorta talking about their bibliography. When I asked the professor what we should present about, he told me to talk about the TOPIC, not the resources. So I put together an overview of the history of compulsory education. Ah well.
This morning, there were supposed to be blueberry pancakes, but they were raspberry instead. Though I certainly would've enjoyed raspberry pancakes, I can be quite stubborn when I've decided what I want, so I settled on fake-blueberry flavored bagel with cream cheese and some grapefruit. They also had lemon poppyseed muffins, so I stole one to reward myself with after the math exam. Lots of fakey fruit.
I guess the test went ok. Hopefully. I feel like I did most of it right. There was one I had trouble with, but luckily when I asked her about it her vague tip managed to get my error to click. I think I fixed it right. Blah blah blah.
Today is the last day of Cross Cultural Training. Huzzah! The paper is done. I just have some obnoxious reading and exercises to do, and then, of course, I have to sit there for three hours : / Only three more hours though! We're coming out of it lol
I've been thinking about how I want to run my Tokyo blog lately. I can't do it the same way I do here, because here I just do it far too often haha. I was thinking maybe just once a week. That way I can really just focus on important things, include lots of pictures, and not spend SO MUCH TIME on it. Really, it's just a choice to spend this much time blogging. It does sort of help me relax though, so then I started thinking maybe just a for a little while each evening, instead of whenever I have time during the day. The idea is to minimize the time spent away from Japanese, while still retaining quality and the mental benefits of ranting.
This also got me thinking about e-mails and phone calls. I think the best solution will be to decide on a system, except for emergencies. That way, everyone will know what to expect, and I can avoid just calling when I'm bored and spending too much time speaking English.
In CCT, they mentioned a couple of times how jarring it can be to have someone visit you, or go home for a visit. They said it can sometimes throw people off. When I was in Paris and my dad visited, it didn't throw me off at all. I didn't feel worse afterword; it was overall just really nice to see him. The thing is, though, in Paris, I really didn't feel very immersed. Nothing was very intense. I wonder if Japan will be different.
Really though, I didn't much agree with what our teachers had to say about this sort of stuff. Like, one of them said she told people she would call once a month and prohibited anyone from visiting. That is pretty crazy. She mentioned that it's possible for friends to really change while you're gone and things to be very different relationship-wise, but I think that's only if you ignore people like she did. Specifically, I'm thinking about the boy. There is no way I'm cutting him off. Absolutely no way! And you can't tell me that if she would've had a serious boyfriend when she went that she would've cut him off. It's just ridiculous.
I think we just need to come up with a plan, so it's balanced, like I said above. That way, whether it's Scott or my family, everyone will know when to expect a call and we can all look forward to chatting.
Yeah, that was sort of long, but I guess it's really been on my mind. The whole thing is, obviously. It's probably too soon to be worried this much about those details. I have a tendancy to want to be prepared wayyyyy in advance, and sometimes that just is more stress and work than you need at one time. I have a whole brilliant summer coming up, including an awesome visit home and a lot of fun with the boy :D
This morning, there were supposed to be blueberry pancakes, but they were raspberry instead. Though I certainly would've enjoyed raspberry pancakes, I can be quite stubborn when I've decided what I want, so I settled on fake-blueberry flavored bagel with cream cheese and some grapefruit. They also had lemon poppyseed muffins, so I stole one to reward myself with after the math exam. Lots of fakey fruit.
I guess the test went ok. Hopefully. I feel like I did most of it right. There was one I had trouble with, but luckily when I asked her about it her vague tip managed to get my error to click. I think I fixed it right. Blah blah blah.
Today is the last day of Cross Cultural Training. Huzzah! The paper is done. I just have some obnoxious reading and exercises to do, and then, of course, I have to sit there for three hours : / Only three more hours though! We're coming out of it lol
I've been thinking about how I want to run my Tokyo blog lately. I can't do it the same way I do here, because here I just do it far too often haha. I was thinking maybe just once a week. That way I can really just focus on important things, include lots of pictures, and not spend SO MUCH TIME on it. Really, it's just a choice to spend this much time blogging. It does sort of help me relax though, so then I started thinking maybe just a for a little while each evening, instead of whenever I have time during the day. The idea is to minimize the time spent away from Japanese, while still retaining quality and the mental benefits of ranting.
This also got me thinking about e-mails and phone calls. I think the best solution will be to decide on a system, except for emergencies. That way, everyone will know what to expect, and I can avoid just calling when I'm bored and spending too much time speaking English.
In CCT, they mentioned a couple of times how jarring it can be to have someone visit you, or go home for a visit. They said it can sometimes throw people off. When I was in Paris and my dad visited, it didn't throw me off at all. I didn't feel worse afterword; it was overall just really nice to see him. The thing is, though, in Paris, I really didn't feel very immersed. Nothing was very intense. I wonder if Japan will be different.
Really though, I didn't much agree with what our teachers had to say about this sort of stuff. Like, one of them said she told people she would call once a month and prohibited anyone from visiting. That is pretty crazy. She mentioned that it's possible for friends to really change while you're gone and things to be very different relationship-wise, but I think that's only if you ignore people like she did. Specifically, I'm thinking about the boy. There is no way I'm cutting him off. Absolutely no way! And you can't tell me that if she would've had a serious boyfriend when she went that she would've cut him off. It's just ridiculous.
I think we just need to come up with a plan, so it's balanced, like I said above. That way, whether it's Scott or my family, everyone will know when to expect a call and we can all look forward to chatting.
Yeah, that was sort of long, but I guess it's really been on my mind. The whole thing is, obviously. It's probably too soon to be worried this much about those details. I have a tendancy to want to be prepared wayyyyy in advance, and sometimes that just is more stress and work than you need at one time. I have a whole brilliant summer coming up, including an awesome visit home and a lot of fun with the boy :D
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Variations on a mop
Monday, May 01, 2006
Yearning for the future...(just a little bit every now and then)
This guy is my hero. I want to be him when I grow up, only...as a girl, and me.
Never Fear
Victory is mine, bitches!!! XD

No, that's not really something I would say...
Much better lol
If you haven't guessed by now, I survived the preparing of my speech. It really was just a matter of getting down to it. Following that, I had a nice chat with the boy and then we parted ways to acquire our respective evening sustinances. Corn pops. Yum. There is healthy cereal at his house, but in the school grocery one can only buy sugar. (Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm not kidding. OH WAIT...they have salt, too ;p) Nah, I do like corn pops, but I've gotten used to cereal that provides hardcore whole grains which is definitely not a strength of the sugar genre.
*cough cough cough*
Anyways, I'm off to game and sleep and all that nonsense XD

No, that's not really something I would say...
Much better lol
If you haven't guessed by now, I survived the preparing of my speech. It really was just a matter of getting down to it. Following that, I had a nice chat with the boy and then we parted ways to acquire our respective evening sustinances. Corn pops. Yum. There is healthy cereal at his house, but in the school grocery one can only buy sugar. (Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm not kidding. OH WAIT...they have salt, too ;p) Nah, I do like corn pops, but I've gotten used to cereal that provides hardcore whole grains which is definitely not a strength of the sugar genre.
*cough cough cough*
Anyways, I'm off to game and sleep and all that nonsense XD
Progress Thus Far...
The Mid-Afternoon-Should-Be-Studying Round Up
There is a banana on my desk that I would really like to eat, but it's for later, so I'm gonna try to hold out for another couple hours till dinner where it looked like there was gonna be some meaty pizza. Getting sausage on your pizza in the dining hall is so tricky! Gotta take advantage!
This past weekend I took my sniffles on a train trip to Frisco to visit the wonderful boy. It was a last minute switch. Originally the plan was for him to journey out this way, but circumstances being as they were (and generally just are,) it was more feasible for me to go there. Of course, it was no problem for me. I'd much rather see him than sit in my dorm all weekend.
In fact, the only real difficulty I had with the situation (aside from being sick and coughing a lot) was the bus system. NO THANKS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RTD, I somehow got to the Amtrak station. Getting back was even more torturous, as all the friends I would've hoped could've bailed me out of a lousy neighborhood were busy when I arrived. I stood for about 20 minutes or so on the corner and watched the locals loiter on the sidewalk, in the middle of the street, etc, but when it started to get dark(er) I headed downtown. Spent a while on the phone with various people trying to get directions home, and by the time I got anywhere (the downtown City Center) I was pretty hungry. Grilled salmon, steamed broccoli and asparagus, and brown rice will make anyone feel better, I think, unless maybe you are allergic. By that time I was able to get a ride, although not without disturbing a busy dorm-mate : / She didn't seem to think it was a very good idea for me to be wandering about in the dark, and I have to agree with her.
Anyhow, the travel time was boring for the most part. Being with the boy was great though. We had a picnic at the office and played The Outfit. I did nazilicious things with guns and tanks. It was probably one of the best picnics ever. We had this tasty salami sandwich on the way in a park with all sorts of happy ingredients like pickles, which are one of those things I am newly able to appreciate (although I'm still not a fan when they are warm, like in a burger or something...) Then we had potato salad and cheese tortellini salad as well as a bottle each of Moxie and crazy Strawberry Crush. And funny candy! It was ultimate. And there was a couch! (at the office ne...in the demo room.)
Leaving is always sad, but the amazing thing is that the next time I go, it will probably be to stay. I mean, unless we get really impatient and I drop by in a couple weeks.
Been getting back into some of my other DS games lately, which is fun. Blogging about that at 1Up. Still sick. Got an A on my Jlit paper. Had my Japanese oral exam today. Basically just chatting for a bit. I'm a very shy speaker, though. Comprehension is decent, reading is pretty good, writing is pretty good (all for my level of course) but my speaking is...sort of non-existent. That's why I'm going to Japan, ne?
I managed to easily waste the majority of this afternoon. I printed out a couple papers, but that was pretty much it. Gotta work on math, read some Jlit, and most importantly *threatening music bite* FIGURE OUT WHAT I'M SAYING IN MY PRESENTATION TOMORROW x_x
x_x is right. That is my evening in a nutshell.
Not looking forward to it at all.
Not one bit.
This past weekend I took my sniffles on a train trip to Frisco to visit the wonderful boy. It was a last minute switch. Originally the plan was for him to journey out this way, but circumstances being as they were (and generally just are,) it was more feasible for me to go there. Of course, it was no problem for me. I'd much rather see him than sit in my dorm all weekend.
In fact, the only real difficulty I had with the situation (aside from being sick and coughing a lot) was the bus system. NO THANKS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RTD, I somehow got to the Amtrak station. Getting back was even more torturous, as all the friends I would've hoped could've bailed me out of a lousy neighborhood were busy when I arrived. I stood for about 20 minutes or so on the corner and watched the locals loiter on the sidewalk, in the middle of the street, etc, but when it started to get dark(er) I headed downtown. Spent a while on the phone with various people trying to get directions home, and by the time I got anywhere (the downtown City Center) I was pretty hungry. Grilled salmon, steamed broccoli and asparagus, and brown rice will make anyone feel better, I think, unless maybe you are allergic. By that time I was able to get a ride, although not without disturbing a busy dorm-mate : / She didn't seem to think it was a very good idea for me to be wandering about in the dark, and I have to agree with her.
Anyhow, the travel time was boring for the most part. Being with the boy was great though. We had a picnic at the office and played The Outfit. I did nazilicious things with guns and tanks. It was probably one of the best picnics ever. We had this tasty salami sandwich on the way in a park with all sorts of happy ingredients like pickles, which are one of those things I am newly able to appreciate (although I'm still not a fan when they are warm, like in a burger or something...) Then we had potato salad and cheese tortellini salad as well as a bottle each of Moxie and crazy Strawberry Crush. And funny candy! It was ultimate. And there was a couch! (at the office ne...in the demo room.)
Leaving is always sad, but the amazing thing is that the next time I go, it will probably be to stay. I mean, unless we get really impatient and I drop by in a couple weeks.
Been getting back into some of my other DS games lately, which is fun. Blogging about that at 1Up. Still sick. Got an A on my Jlit paper. Had my Japanese oral exam today. Basically just chatting for a bit. I'm a very shy speaker, though. Comprehension is decent, reading is pretty good, writing is pretty good (all for my level of course) but my speaking is...sort of non-existent. That's why I'm going to Japan, ne?
I managed to easily waste the majority of this afternoon. I printed out a couple papers, but that was pretty much it. Gotta work on math, read some Jlit, and most importantly *threatening music bite* FIGURE OUT WHAT I'M SAYING IN MY PRESENTATION TOMORROW x_x
x_x is right. That is my evening in a nutshell.
Not looking forward to it at all.
Not one bit.
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