Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yarg yarg yarg

Last night I was so ILL. Side effects, they just kill me. Luckily I managed to have some cereal and blueberries at something similar to dinner, even though that was only supposed to be a snack until the boy got back. I had soda crackers and 7up; that works, I guess.

Unfortunately, what all of that means is that I waited all afternoon for the boy to get home so we could have a tasty dinner and hang out etc, and then I was so sick feeling that I just sacked out. And now, of course, it's morning, but that means 7:30 in the morning, and it would be just plain cruel to wake anyone up this early on their day off (for normal boring reasons like coffee or games or grocery shopping.)

I made buckwheat non-stick pancakey things. Crepey. They taste very good with a wide variety of toppings such as peanut butter and banana or almond butter and blueberries. They're even pretty tasty plain. The mix is pretty simple; just add water and cook on high heat. Handy!

I'm working on abandoning my yahoo mail. All that really ever comes there is junk nowadays, so I'm switching all the junk I care about to my gmail account. For some reason my blogger account is being difficult about it. I switched my e-mail in my profile. Is there something else I have to do? If anyone knows, by all means, let me in on the secret.

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