Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weird happenings

So I keep waking up with cuts. The other day I noticed a scratch by my lip. I figured it was just dry skin or something. This morning, I woke up with dry blood under my eyebrow.

I just remembered one of the dreams I had. I was walking up a hill (a hill! and I wasn't even in Frisco!) and all of the sudden I was enveloped in "corn" (it was more like grass than corn, thick grass...very high, taller than me). It was very exhausting walking up this hill, but it wasn't so much the hill as fighting through the corn. It was still a road, but the corn had taken over. I didn't know which way I was going and it was almost intoxicating. It sort of reminds me of the poppy field scene in The Wizard of Oz. I kinda collapsed for a bit, though I knew I had to keep walking for some reason. I was so tired though. I just lay there in the corn, thinking I had to get up, had to get up, but I didn't. Weird dream ne?

And then I woke up with this weird blood on my face.

?_? *shrug*

1 comment:

Xavier said...

lol that's kinda weird. :D