Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I could've sworn... (+first look at Eurovision 2006)

I posted yesterday o_O but I guess not.


Last night I stayed up REALLY late, later than I usually do even on the weekends. I was waiting for a Japanese net friend to show up so I could interview him for my CCT paper. That WOULD've been a completely waste of time (since he didn't show for the second night in a row) BUT (!!!) I went to


and checked out the videos for this year's applicants.

Since I've been watching Eurovision for as long as I've been writing online journals, it's possible that you've put up with buzz from earlier years. It's really fun though.

So far the notables include:

Finland - Rock angels! Hoo-boy...

Iceland - costume shop explosion on acid with ego problems

Latvia - ACTUALLY good. Even the sappy lyrics aren't tooooooo cheesy. At leats, they grew on me after a while.

Turkey - Retro with a beat.

Slovenia - The hair! This guy is intense...

Romania - Snakes!

Germany - Cowboys?

Most everything is rubbish, but at least you can make fun of it :D

Finals are May 20th. Time to start party planning...

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