Monday, April 10, 2006

Much better

i.e. How I feel after a weekend with Scott.

After a seemingly interminable Friday afternoon I eventually stepped into my Japanese professors little red car and we took off for San Francisco. It was rainy, and, as usual, coming up on Frisco was more like driving into a weather formation than a city: big dark cloud. For some reason traffic was pretty congested, but it was still a hell of a lot faster than the bus, so I was happy.

Upon arrival, he showed me around his hotel (since I'm scoping places for my mom's proposed vacation later this summer,) and then told me to meet him again Sunday for the return trip at four. Then I proceeded to walk up hills in the rain, which wasn't so awful as it may sound. I was just happy to be in Frisco on my way to the boy's apt, regardless of how much water my pants were absorbing or how loudly my feet were squelching.

Once Scott trudged up, equally soaked, and hugged me, the weekend settled for the most part into a nice period of easy happiness. I finally got to see Scott's new toy (Sidekick II...very fancy.) We went back to the Indian restaurant where we first had dinner together, watched cartoons, had ironic Japantown Denny's, shopped, walked around everywhere in the weather that had obviously been saved up all week, and just had a good time in general. Sunday morning was donuts and Howl's Moving Castle. We made tacos for lunch and tried to play a weird war game commanding squads around. So much good stuff! Even leaving wasn't so hard, because I know I'll be back this Friday one way or another :D

Last night I managed to get a little more done on my annotated bibliography. I still have no idea how I'm going to stretch it to fiften pages. It's getting longer, anyhow. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be doing Japanese homework, so I'd better get to it! I really wanted to get something down about the weekend though. I don't think I quite captured the constant ELATION involved, but hopefully if you know me, you can picture me in a good mood.

I was in a really good mood.

And his HAIR! (So cute! :D)

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