Monday, January 23, 2006

Fresh weather

Smelled like spring yesterday! Spring on ice, maybe. The day was almost warm, save the chilly wind. At night, still smelled tasty, but got pretty cold. Not frosty though, more cubey. If it were ice, one would've been able to see through it.

This morning I got up at 7. Breakfast was an orange and a cinniraisen bagel with cream cheese. Good stuff. Unfortunately, none of that helped me feel more awake for my 8 am stats class.

Some grunt work to get done preferably this week:

Set up film studies minor/major. (Yeah, I think I do actually want to do that.)
Kill French major (*sigh* Or maybe I will just leave it till the last possible second in case I change my mind and take three French classes the year I get back from Japan...not likely, but saves me some work now.)
Get Tokyo paperwork signed by Prof Cipris and my advisor. (Ask my advisor who else I should have do an eval for that stuff.)
Work on the rest of the Tokyo paperwork.
Maybe a FAFSA at some point...
See if my tuition loan came through and if so, request refund check (the extra money is for meeeee)
Hopefully go to the bank at some point to deposit check(s)


Tonight I work for four hours. For some of you that may mean, watch out of for a phone call. For others, I'm sorry, but I also have to get some homework (and possibly some actual work) done during that time. I also may need to remember what was going on in FFII (been a while...)

Last night we screened Happy Together in the PRIDE center. I really enjoyed the movie, although I think I zoned out a bit. Got so involved in just watching that I forgot there was a story happening. I'll need to see it again but my first impressions were very good. It's just beautiful to watch, and I love listening to Cantonese.

Next weekend we'll probably have to screen something we already have because my netflix won't be up again until Feb.

I'm a little worried about the "quiz" today in Japanese (but less worried than about the one in stats on Wednesday.) It's on some kanji, that ostensibly I know I guess, now... Some of them, such as "right" and "left," I have known for quite a while, while others such as "far" and "side" are new to me.

"Far" has a similar component to the second kanji in the compound "park" though, so it should be cool.

I still need to review more. There are two chapters I didn't quite get through over break (since I didn't study really at all in Wisconsin) and those were the kanji that I REALLY needed to work on. (Sometimes the urge to go chronologically is not in your best fact, rarely does it make a real difference.)

I've been ordering a ton of books on interlibrary loan. I didn't ask for the request to be sent to my e-mail as well as their, so I'm not sure how many, but I think I have at least five things coming. I'm going to be a pro at budgeting time soon. When you have to schedule your leisure though, it sometimes starts to feel like a chore...

This afternoon will be the first time we will REALLY have weight training. I'm a little nervous about that. There are all types of people in there though, so I should be fine.


Did I mention Ken's French roommate? I was supposed to meet him when I helped him carry up chips and croissants that night, but he wasn't home. Instead I met Marc ne? So, last night Marc stopped by the PRIDE center, since we were screening his movie, but he had to leave early cuz Jean the Frenchguy was cooking something delicious. Apparently he eats glossy magazine picture-styled cuisine. I'm sorta intrigued. It will be a little nerve-racking to meet him though. People hear I spent time in Paris, or that I studied a bit of Spanish, or whatever, and they think I am fluent. My roommate didn't want to believe me that I'm not fluent in Japanese. There is no way I'm even close : / It's tough when people like to ascribe more to you than is really there.

OH MY HELL. Speaking of which, the other day my Japanese teacher, in front of the whole class, was going on about how I looked like the super smart transfer student sitting in the back who would know all the answers. HOW INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSING >_<;; It doesn't help that I have the reputation in that class for being the kanji master. I guess it's good because then in addition to kicking myself into kanji action, I have this title to live up to. Sweet motivation. It is sorta proven somewhere isn't it, that people who have more expected of them are more likely to succeed?

Which...yeah...I should be studying ;p

1 comment:

Xavier said...

wow, everyone thinks you're the smartest kanji master???? THAT IS SO FRICKIN AWESOME!!

I'm so happy for you. I can almost cry. *-tear-*

Anywho, I like listening to Cantonese too. :D wong sing song hai bosse.. that's all I can really say. :P But I don't like it when certain family members speak in Cantonese point their finger at you and start laughing. heh heh, why you little asian person!!! take that! and that! and THAT!