Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Last Day

Ok not realllllly. The last FULL day, the last night, the last shower (since there's no point in showering before getting a Greyhound...)

Having me back in school though should dilute things to the point where they taste deliciously like juice instead of like syrupy concentrate.


Ok that's a bit extreme, and I'm not so cabin-crazy as that at all.


I'm gonna miss the boy a lot : / However I did just find out that I've had a new roommate bestowed upon me and oddly enough I already know her a bit. Anyhow, having the other half of my room occupied will:

help things stay cleaner (cuz there will be two of us working on it and also I won't be as tempted to slack off)


keep me from getting too lost in my head (sometimes I think myself into a mighty funk)

PLUS it means I won't have time to be overly lonely.

Huzzah! (Notice how I'm trying to be really upbeat about the roommate thing! I relinquish my privacy even as I return the boy to his!!! Aiiie!)

Hopefully my textbooks will be arriving shortly so I don't have to scramble around too much. Hopefully I didn't leave anything in my room that would grow things. (Those oreos should have definitely been chucked though. They will be hella nasty.)

Oh HEY I finished Cloud Atlas today. Very enjoyable read. I thought it was funny how he got in a self-referential bit about how nesting stories could be kind of gimmicky ^_~ Setting it up that way made things very interesting. The first half of the book is the start to all the stories, and the latter half is ending after ending. You build up quite a bit of momentum.

*ramble ramble*

I dunno. There's more I could say about that, but I don't really feel compelled to apply a spoiler's warning ;p

So I guess that's ALL!

We're headed out to frolick or something. I dunno ;D

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