Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oh dude, this is awesome...

That's what I get for being productive? REALLY? So on Monday I wrote all my Eurovision entries for the week, since I was on a roll. Apparently the day you draft them is the day they will get published, even though it is no longer that day, resulting in my entries being buried before they even go up. That is so AWESOME x_x Scroll back to Monday to check them out!! : /

*EDIT* Someone smart has informed me that I should [quit being stupid and] copy-paste into a new post!!! Yay for actually using your brain! I love people who do that.

*EDIT* Even better! In the course of attempting to use MY OWN brain, I have discovered the option to change the post date and time. Three cheers for not knowing how to use your blog after how many years?

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