Saturday, March 25, 2006

weird dream

Bleh. I got up at 7:30, had breakfast, punked around, read some homework, and then proceeded to get really pathetically tired. I guess maybe cuz I was sitting in bed reading or something. I dunno. But man, I crashed out for another hour and a half. Felt really good. I guess I needed it, but I'm still a little guilty.

I can't remember all of my dream, but one thing is for sure. I dreamt that part of the plot of the new Earthbound game involved some sort of axis of evil during WWII between Bowser's Castle and someone else...some other evil Nintendo character, or Dracula, or something. I can't remember. Maybe Hitler o_o Anyhow whoever it was, those two, then became allies or sold spy secrets or something to the bad guys in the new Earthbound game. So this was like weird ne?

Then I was having this laundry dream where most of the boy's clothes were clean, but mine were all dirty (like they are right now hahaha) and my mom found out and got mad. I guess cuz I told her I didn't have anymore laundry to do, cuz his was done. She was like, "I thought you said this was done! All your clothes are dirty!" She was really cracking down on the dirty laundry...whoa @_@

I guess that means I should do that today ne ;p

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