Wednesday, November 08, 2006

(Republished from my 1Up blog, where the action will take place:)

IT'S TRUE! Next week a couple sidekicks and I will be reporting on...



Why the PS3 launch? Oh, pure logistics. Never you mind! We're gonna do a bang-up job, I guarantee.

The tentative plan is as follows:

Wed 11/15 - UOP Dining Hall Stake-out (Who is psyched? Who isn't? Who doesn't know what we're talking about?)

Thurs 11/16 - Pre-launchamabob Employee Chat (We'll talk expectations and fears with the orchestrators of the event!)

Fri 11/17 - PS3 LAUNCHAMABOB! (At least a morning opening and if possible a midnight bash...details pending...)

That is assuming all goes as planned (i.e. intense, witty, with video coverage and pix), but I think we're up for it. STAY TUNED!!

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