Thursday, August 04, 2005

chiaroscuro, uxorious, chthonic, etc

chiaroscuro - 1. The technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation. 2. The arrangement of light and dark elements in a pictorial work of art. 3. a. A woodcut technique in which several blocks are used to print different shades of a color. b. A woodcut print made by this technique.

so i totally remembered that word, just not what it meant. now i see it must've come from my complit class...or something like that...

atrabilious - . Inclined to melancholy. 2. Having a peevish disposition; surly

curmurring - Murmuring; grumbling; - sometimes applied to the rumbling produced by a slight attack of the gripes

"Mortals cannot help but fear those curmurring walls." (p. 123)

eviscerate - 1. To remove the entrails of; disembowel. 2. To take away a vital or essential part of: a compromise that eviscerated the proposed bill. 3. Medicine a. To remove the contents of (an organ). b. To remove an organ, such as an eye, from (a patient). v.intr. Medicine To protrude through a wound or surgical incision.

so that was more of a clarification than anything...obviously has viscer like visceral in it which is hot...

yeah morphology is hot


expurgate - To remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from (a book, for example) before publication

"Whether it was the growl or the expurgating qualities of the house or something entirely else, Holloway decided to redefine that goal mid-way." (p. 124)

I wanted to see whether they were really referring to publishing...but i guess the word is applicable more widely.

egregriously - Greatly; enormously; shamefully; as, egregiously cheated

which kinda makes me wonder about egregrious (Conspicuously bad or offensive)

acumen - (i should know this word) Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight

"The combination of his will and his tactical acumen made hsi success, especially in retrospect, seem inevitable." (p. 135)

tumescence - tumidity resulting from the presence of blood or other fluid in the tissues


tumidity - slight swelling of an organ or part

rapacious - Taking by force; plundering. 2. Greedy; ravenous. See Synonyms at voracious. 3. Subsisting on live prey.

uxorious - Excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife

well we certainly don't want that

modicum - (for clarification) A small, moderate, or token amount (yeah that's what i figured)

hegemony - (also for clarification...this is one of those words everybody should know...i just can't remember what exactly...*sigh*) The predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others. (cuz they've been peeping over the hedge! i just have to trust myself on that mnemonic...)

aporia - A figure of speech in which the speaker expresses or purports to be in doubt about a question. 2. An insoluble contradiction or paradox in a text's meanings.

ah ha! rhetoric...that's cool

bifurcation - a bifurcating branch (one or both of them) 2. bifurcation - the place where something divides into two branches 3. bifurcation - the act of splitting into two branches

veracity - Adherence to the truth; truthfulness. See Synonyms at truth. 2. Conformity to fact or truth; accuracy or precision: a report of doubtful veracity. 3. Something that is true.


glib - (clarification) a. Performed with a natural, offhand ease: glib conversation. b. Showing little thought, preparation, or concern: a glib response to a complex question. 2. Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.

really tho, definitions are so refreshing.

solipsistic - (again clarification) the adj from solipsism ( a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing

so that means...very self-absorbed? not really...just...ignorant of the world...or... two snakes biting each other's tales...

micturate - To urinate

see i'm glad i look these things up. i need context on that, stat!

"Only later after I find some candles, stomp around my room, splash water on the old face, micturate, light a sterno can and put the kettle on..." (p. 403)

so he uses it very mundanely off ^_~ that's fun tho...hmm...have to remember that one

commensurate - Of the same size, extent, or duration as another. 2. Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate: a salary commensurate with my performance. 3. Measurable by a common standard; commensurable.

exegesis - Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text.

oh, good

expectoration - the process of coughing up an spitting out, act of spitting (forefully expelling saliva)

it was a pun in the book, on expect oration or expectoration. i have a feeling i've heard this word before...

chthonic - Of or relating to the underworld

i wonder if you can only use that greek mythology or not...should check the context...also note the sexy silent ch

"...their thoughts, describe what their bodies have already begun to prepare for, the chthonic expectation which commanded the thought in the first place--...sos.sos.sos" (p. 298)

that is really cool

rebarbative - (this i'm almost positive i learned as a cognate in french but i don't remember what it meant in french either : /) Tending to irritate; repellent

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