Friday, July 22, 2005


Yes well...all this worrying about my precious precious future has turned into e-mails to people I've never met. hahaha Also one to the head of the linguistics dept. I tried not to beg tho. Just needing some advice. I e-mailed a prof at UOP and also the hr dept at Bandai for some hardcore information. It's too bad it's the weekend...probably won't hear anything until next week at least, if at all. Anyhow its motivating. I'm just really worried that I won't be prepared for what I want to do...and I WANT TO DO IT DANG IT THAT'S THE POINT!


so yeah...

ah this blog makes me so happy. the thought of my syntactic trees...plans of teaching ESL through my arduous T&I studies...the golden career at Bandai...that would be ultimate success I think...Bandai. I totally just e-mailed Bandai...let's just meditate on that...


I'm such a dork x_x

Anyhow...that is really all I have to say. I should go home, read my eyes into that nice hefty snoozy state, and hit the sack. The lunch/brunch has been retimed to 10!

ciao ;D

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