Monday, September 12, 2005

nihongo no kuizu

hahaha i didn't know the word for dress...i'm not sure what he wanted...i put a katakana paraphrase and the kanji for kimono (even tho kimono obviously means kimono) heh...but that was the only thing i screwed up as far as i know. i wrote polite form...which should be fine as he didn't specify. i finished way early and when he came over and told me i could leave in japanese i replied in french..."d'accord" yeah...obvioulsy not quite altogether there lol

he gave us candy :D


that's cool

he had nori snacks too but the thing is that he opened the candy and passed it whereas the nori snacks he said we could open and grab ourselves...none of us were feeling bold enough to open the bag heh

i guess i will go eat lunch...i had breakfast around quarter to nine or nine or something so it's still a bit early but i am kinda hungry so i might as well...

yum i think there is jambalaya...

as for the afternoon it will be the intro to hong kong cinema and then work...

and i should start working on chapter one of the japanese book...we're finally done reviewing!!!

the kanji is a nice mix of ones i know and ones i don't know so it won't be too hard...the vocab is mostly old with some new...i dunno...reviewing never killed anyone and the listening and speaking practice is worth it :D

gotsa jam!

1 comment:

Emily said...

doresu...haha the katakana cheat works, just not always heh