Wednesday, September 14, 2005


yeah so i take allegra now...for my allergies...yes that's all...the coughing and hacking and not being able to talk due to the crummy air conditions here in the valley

"here in the valley"



and i'm beginning to wonder if there is a connection between drinking too much coffee and having peanut butter banana oatmeal...


also i should be reading my chinese heritage book but i'm not...

i will in a minute tho

just wanted to record some rambles first


i need to revisualize the act of reading and separate it from this chore paradigm...just cuz something is assigned doesn't mean i have to THINK of it as assigned...

i've become an underliner

i doubt that will really help me in the end.

for film history the lectures are usually very helpful so that is ok...

but for eac he wants us to write outlines which i admit will be helpful for studying but it takes an awful lot of time.

i've got to study japanese too

so it's best to be jammin'


(here's to hoping for summer in paris *CLINK*)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anonymous said

Anomie- social isolation, a lack of moral standards in society
magnanimous- synony. big fair high minded pretigious?
empathy- cathartic state

oh oh oh have you ever seen the moive "Flight of the Navigator"
the computer always says this funny thing
"Comply" (funny)
