Monday, October 24, 2005

now i'll last until dinner :D

i just ate a ridiculously wonderful yogurt...blueberry...yum yum yum fruit on the bottom so it looks all nasty till you mix it up. i've been craving one ever since i got here and today i had one for 85 cents and a free spoon to boot. that was wonderful. i should do that more often.

for sure

anyhow what else...

oh i'm near declaring my french major finally

and the paperwork for L2 Net is underway




i met my personal trainer today...he's uber cute but don't tell anyone lol

somehow i knew he would be

not in a stereotypical way

just i knew he would


oh well

uhmmmmm i guess that's it i gotsa jam out to work now ;D


Xavier said...

The best yoghurt is the apple pie's got bits of apple pie filling, oh so yummy :D

And at sendik's you can get a cup of yoghurt and free plastic spoon for only $0.69!

Wowzas!! ;)

Xavier said...

I just learned arithmancy just like Hermione Granger!

Your name goes like this,

E m i l y B a l i s t r i e r i
5 4 9 3 7 2 1 3 9 1 2 9 9 5 9 9

WOw! You have a lot of high numbers, and your total is 87, and you add those two digits and get 15 and then you add those two and get 6! So your Personality number is six, and that means that you:

Six represents harmony, friendship, and family life. Sixes are loyal, reliable, and loving. They adapt easily. They do well in teaching and the arts, but are often unsuccessful in business. They are sometimes prone to gossip and complacency.

Woohoo! Go you!

Xavier said...
