Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm quite fond of today's title.

Chacha Limbo...

Ah yes. Well, the time has come to update on many things. There are certain things going very well, for instance, work. Excepting the fact that I don't have any internet things are going quite well. I have an awful lot to do and having a computer online would make them a lot easier. I mean, having a desk and a chair would, too, though, so...

I'm moving tomorrow, but I don't know where. I got out of the crappy place, but haven't gotten in anywhere else. So begins my couch surfing journey. Probably I will start at Oleya's and work my way towards Patrick and Karen's. Meanwhile, the majority of my earthly belongings will be shuttled over to Sharkey's for the time being.

This is all assuming I don't get a miraculous phone call announcing my acceptance at the new apt I looked at the other day. Doesn't seem likely anymore, though...


What else? Oh plenty of things. Lots of parties. Halloween was pretty great. We had a party at Oleya's house with pumpkins and Japanese curry and spice cake with pumpkin ice cream. And then I got all gored up to go to a more purposeful party involving work acquaintances and alcohol. The music was bad!


So far this week has been rather busy, and I feel like it will keep getting busier since I will have to plan careful how and where I spend my time @_@ since...

I'm homeless.



Anonymous said...

Construction workers wear hardhats
because they need them, they need to be hard headed. Bonk. Franz Kafka invented the construction helmet.

op said...

chacha limbo? whassat?
i'm glad work is going well.
i'm sad you are temporarily homeless. >< i was -so- hoping you'd get that place.
thanks again for making my party what it was. it was the most fun i have had in a long time.