Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Day-Job-Less

Well, that's that. I called wcities and told them I had been offered some exciting opportunities doing more writing (which isn't entirely untrue, and maybe be even less untrue in the hopefully near future) and had to quit on the spot. Which they were totally fine with. They even want to pay me 20 bucks for last Friday.

Anyways, I'm free! Lancing! This is it. I just have to work super hard now and write as much as I can and then hopefully I'll be termed something akin to A SUCCESS. Even if only within my own little realm. Feels good, though, to be on the way to that.

I wish I were at E3 because that would've been a huge opportunity to write tons of stuff, but so it goes. There are other events to head out to, so hopefully I'll get to check out one of those. In the meantime, especially this week for some reason, I have plenty of stuff to do. The magazine deadline is a week from today and I've got tons of stuff to get done. Of course, after that who knows what I'll do, but so it goes.

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